Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, the wars, jobs, Savings, Social Security, retirement funds, etc.......
I called Lifeline.

Got a freakin' call center in Pakistan .
I told them I was suicidal. .......................
They all got excited and asked if I could drive a truck...

(Posted on FB Thursday, May 28, 2009 at 6:58pm)

Obama's 'Christian Nation' By Monte Kuligowski


President Obama is taking a fair amount of heat from conservatives for his recent comments in Turkey in which, speaking for Americans, he said that, "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation; we consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values."

Back in June of 2006, Obama said,

"Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation - at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers."

Obama made a similar statement in an email response to CBN's David Brody in 2007:

"Whatever we once were, we're no longer just a Christian nation; we are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers."

We see that Obama believes we are no longer a Christian nation but an assortment of several mini nations. Obama believes America is a nation of citizens curiously "bound by ideals and a set of values," having no extrinsic anchor and objective source.

In full context of Obama's statements made in Turkey on April 7, the President did at least acknowledge the following:

I think that where -- where there's the most promise of building stronger U.S.-Turkish relations is in the recognition that Turkey and the United States can build a model partnership in which a predominantly Christian nation and a predominantly Muslim nation, a Western nation and a nation that straddles two continents -- that we can create a modern international community that is respectful, that is secure, that is prosperous; that there are not tensions, inevitable tensions, between cultures, which I think is extraordinarily important.

By referring to America as a "predominantly Christian nation" Obama is speaking in terms of population, not of the religion's influence on national morality, policy and law. America is populated primarily by Christians. In that sense Obama is correct.

Sad to say, Obama is also correct in stating that we are no longer a Christian nation. I argue that we are a country divided and that two principal nations currently coexist within the same country. Those two dueling nations have irreconcilable differences on the big questions of life and fundamentally consist of left versus right.

I understand that the word "nation" is used interchangeably with the word "country," but at its core nation means a group a people united by a common faith, morality, set of customs and traditions and language. In the fundamental meaning of nation, we once were a nation which operated from a system of Judeo-Christian morality -- that is, a common faith provided the basis for right and wrong.

That historical fact, Obama refuses to acknowledge. Obama's words, "Whatever we once were," seem to imply that what we once were is not important or perhaps that one cannot objectively determine what we once were. Either way, Obama's lack of basic understanding of American liberty is highlighted.

Additionally, Obama is inaccurate to say that currently we are a Muslim nation, a Hindu nation, a Buddhist nation, etc. Approximately 76 percent of adult Americans identify themselves as Christians. Historically, countries don't do well consisting as a collection of mini nations; unless, of course, a strongman rises up to provide forced order and peace.

America's shores once assimilated different cultures and religions into its existing "one nation under God." Today the "great melting pot" means that traditionalists get thrown into the boiling kettle of liberal diversity.

America today is a much more diverse place, of course, than it was yesterday. The problem, however, is not census numbers and diversity but that Christian morality has been systematically undermined in lower education, academia, media and government (most notably, by the U.S. Supreme Court) for several decades. The problem was never the traditional Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus -- they, for the most part, are happy to live in a country founded on faith in the Judeo-Christian God in which they may live freely, enjoying the practice of their particular religions.

Indeed, the basic morality of right and wrong of traditional religions is strikingly similar. The vast gulf in morality is between the far left and traditional Americans.

When the U.S. Supreme Court in 1892 observed that "this is a Christian nation" it wasn't that people of other religions and nonbelievers were nonexistent in America at the time. The observation could be made because people of all beliefs largely respected the Judeo-Christian system and accepted it as society's basis for right and wrong and moral order. Indeed, back then, even an atheist would have acknowledged society's religious moral framework as the basis for social order.

Unfortunately, the country currently is irreconcilably divided and the division is not among traditional religions; but between leftwing non-traditionalists and traditionalists (predominately Christians, of course). Those, like Obama, who believe they can fundamentally transform America into a better place via their "smart policy," as Hillary would say, are the real problem and threat to American liberty. Every dictator, come to think of it, always believes he is smarter than his average countryman.

When a unifying faith dissipates, people often turn to believe in someone. And when a unifying faith in an external authority disappears, government necessarily becomes the highest authority. From there, well, you know what happens from there.

You will notice that Obama, throughout the economic catastrophe, as he calls it, has not led the country in a single prayer to God, asking for His kind assistance. In former times, even a Deist was not ashamed to petition God for help in time of need. Indeed, a certain Deist suggested to the Christian men gathered in Philadelphia in 1787 that prayers be offered at the Constitutional Convention -- and, surprise, he even quoted the Bible to support his request.

Obama doesn't need to appeal to some Christian God, after all, "We are a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values." We wouldn't expect those of the Religious Left to literally believe that Almighty God is actually there, now would we?

Monte Kuligowski is an attorney who writes on topics of faith, culture, policy and law. His blog site is

(Posted on FB Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 10:06pm)

Just For You...


To see light,

look at sun...

To see love,

look at moon...

To see beauty,

look at nature...

To see hope,

look at future...

but, to see all of these,

look at the mirror!!!!!!

(Posted on FB Sunday, May 31, 2009 at 11:18pm)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Definitions for Jill Byrne Murphy

fa⋅ce⋅tious [fuh-see-shuhs]–adjective
1. not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark.
2. amusing; humorous.
3. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a facetious person.
4. See also:

gul·li·ble [gúlləb'l]–adjective

easily duped: tending to trust and believe people, and therefore easily tricked or deceived.
see also:

sil·ly [sil′ē]–adjective

1. Exhibiting a lack of wisdom or good sense; foolish. See Synonyms at foolish.
2. Lacking seriousness or responsibleness; frivolous: indulged in silly word play; silly pet names for each other.
3. Semiconscious; dazed: knocked silly by the impact.
[Middle English seli, silli, blessed, innocent, hapless, from Old English gesælig, blessed.] ***
***I like this!
see also:

friend·ly [fréndlee] -adjective

1. affectionate and trusting: characteristic of or suitable to a relationship between friends.
2. helpful: tending to be beneficial or favorable toward somebody or something.
3. on same side: not antagonistic toward or in conflict with another.
4. pleasant and welcoming.
5. not fiercely competitive.
6. easy to use: safe or easy to use or operate, or easy to understand.
see also:

good mom [gôôd mom] (Late 19th century. Shortening of momma)
1. mother of high quality
2. suitable mother
3. skilled mother
4. virtuous mother
5. kind mother
6. honorable mother
7. helpful mother
8. beneficial mother
9. favorable mother
10. meticulous mother
11. genuine mother
12. well-mannered mother
13. mother able to do remain in operation or effect

mother: somebody's mother ( informal )
(MIKAYLA'S to be exact)
see also:

(Posted on FB Monday, June 1, 2009 at 12:52pm)


"90 people get the Swine Flu and everybody wants to wear a mask. Over 30 million people have AIDS and no one wants to wear a condom."

(Posted on FB Monday, June 1, 2009 at 2:12pm)

Legacy Of An Adopted Child

Once there were two women
Who never knew each other;
One you do not remember,
The other you call "Mother."

Two different lives
Shaped to make you one;
One became your guiding star,
The other became your sun.

The first one gave you life,
And the second taught you to live it;
The first gave you a need for love,
The second was there to give it.

One gave you a nationality,
The other gave you a name;
One gave you talent,
The other gave you aim.

One gave you emotions,
The other calmed your fears;
One saw your first sweet smile,
The other dried your tears.

One sought for you a home
That she could not provide;
The other prayed for a child
And her hope was not denied.

And now you ask me
Through your tears ...
The age old question,
Unanswered through the years.

Heredity or environment ...
Which are you a product of?
Neither ... my darling ... neither,
Just two different kinds of love!

~ Author Unknown ~

Excerpt from another version:

...One gave you emotions,
The other calmed your fears.
One saw your first sweet smile,
The other dried your tears.

One gave you a family,
It was what God intended for her to do.
The other prayed for a child,
And God led her straight to you.

And now you ask me
Through your tears...

(Posted on FB
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 12:35am)

Policemens' Balls

A woman was speeding along a highway when she was pulled over by a State Trooper. The officer walked up to her window with his ticket book and asked, "Do you know how fast you were going, Ma'am?"

"I know I was speeding officer, but I'm late for a very important meeting and I'm in a terrible hurry. Please don't give me a ticket. My husband would be so angry. I'll do anything. I'll buy tickets to your Policeman's Ball," she said.

The Trooper looked at her sternly. "State Troopers don't have balls, Ma'am."

The woman stared with open mouth and raised her eyebrows at the Trooper, who turned bright red, put his ticket book away, walked back to his cruiser and drove off.

(Posted on FB Tuesday, June 2, 2009 at 9:45pm)


Byrne or O'Byrne, together with its variants Beirne and Byrnes, is one of the ten most frequent surnames in Ireland today. In the original Irish the name is Ó Broin, from the personal name Bran, meaning "raven". It can definitely be traced back to Bran, son of Molmórda, a King of Leinster who ruled in the eleventh century; but it may be older again, as many have attributed the origins of the name to the son of King Milesius of Iberia, the leader of the last ancient invasion of Ireland, the Milesian invasion.
The name is mainly found in Wicklow or surrounding counties; but its origins were in CO Kildare. In the early 13th century the Norman invasion drove us from our homeland s there into south Co Wicklow, where we remained.
We Byrnes are a great Clan! One or another of the Byrnes have been involved in the great events of Irish history: Famous warriors of the clan include the great Fiach MacHugh O'Byrne, who fought the armies of the English queen, Elisabeth 1st, and defeated Lord Grey in1580. After his execution in 1597, his son Phelim became the last chieftain of the O'Byrnes, dispossessed of his lands in 1680 for continued disobedience and rebellion. In other words, continuing the family tradition!
IN the late 17th century some of the poetry of the family, part of the great Filiocht traditions of Ireland, were collected in a famous book celled the Leabhar Branach (book of the O'Byrnes). This collection was a fabulous history of the clan during the 16th century and previously.
Some of the Byrnes traveled to Scotland, and became 'Burns' (notably the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns). Other names from the same root Bran, include MacBroin, or McBrin. In English these are usually also given as Byrne.
Famous Byrnes have included our namesake, Charles Byrne, 1768-88, the Irish Giant, who had a brief but famous career as the eight and a half foot tall side show attraction. Andrew Byrne, 1802-62 had a longer but no less glorious career as a catholic missionary to the Native American and first bishop of Little Rock. We continued to be a rich source of revolutionaries and rebels, notably Miles Byrne 1780-1862, who played a prominent role in the 1798 rebellion, emigrated to France, had there avery distinguished career and was awarded the Legion D'Honnuer. He wrote his memoirs, including a famous account of the 1798 rebellion.
Famous modern sons of the clan include Gay Byrne, our legendary broadcaster and talk show host, and Gabriel Byrne, smouldering star of stage and screen.

& do not forget David Byrne of the Talking Heads!!!

(Posted on FB Wednesday, June 3, 2009 at 8:08pm)

OMG!!! "Bus Rage" ...Mom stabs bus driver in stroller dispute

June 5, 2009
Authorities say a woman who was repeatedly asked to fold up her baby's stroller on a New Orleans city bus refused, then poured milk on the driver before stabbing her in the chest.

New Orleans police and transit officials tell The Times-Picayune newspaper that the veteran Regional Transit Authority driver suffered a 4-inch deep wound but she survived.

Authorities say 17-year-old Darrion Scott boarded the bus with her 2 1/2-year-old baby and was asked to fold up the stroller. Authorities say Scott tore the top off the baby's bottle of milk and poured it on the driver before stabbing her.

She has been charged with aggravated battery.

The driver, Hanella Johnson, was released from the hospital Wednesday. She has been an RTA driver for 18 years.

(Posted on FB Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 4:40pm)

German zoo: Gay penguin pair raising chick

BERLIN — A German zoo says a pair of gay male penguins are raising a chick from an egg abandoned by its parents.

Bremerhaven zoo veterinarian Joachim Schoene says the egg was placed in the male penguins' nest after its parents rejected it in late April. The males incubated it for some 30 days before it hatched and have continued to care for it. The chick's gender is not yet known.

Schoene said the male birds, named Z and Vielpunkt, are one of three same-sex pairs among the zoo's 20 Humboldt penguins that have attempted to mate.

Homosexual behavior has been documented in many animal species.

The zoo said in a statement on its Web site Thursday that "sex and coupling in our world don't always have something to do with reproduction."

(Posted on FB Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 6:15pm)

About the class I am taking to help me turn my life around (AGAIN)...

An excerpt from 'Journey to Freedom' by Scott Reall (the book I am reading for my class at the YMCA)

…Clifton Fadiman tells a story about Charles Steinmetz, an electrical engineer genius who worked for General Electric in the early part of the twentieth century. After his retirement, they called him in because the other engineers were baffled about the breakdown of a complex of machines. They asked Steinmetz to pinpoint the problem. He walked around the machine for a while, then took a piece of chalk out of his pocket and made a big cross mark on one particular machine. When the engineers disassembled that part of the machine, it turned out to be the precise location of the breakdown.
A few days later, the engineers received a bill from Steinmetz for $10,000 -a staggering sum in those days. They asked him to itemize it, and he returned the bill with a note that read:

Making one cross: $1
Knowing where to put it: $9,999 *

*from John Ortberg, The Life You’ve Always Wanted (Michigan: Zondervan, 1997), 130-131

Journey to Freedom...

The class I am taking (& this book) is about changing your life. This particular excerpt leads up to the discussion about finding what’s “broken down” inside you and marking it with a the big X. This is one of the first steps… “Journey to Freedom is about learning to change the things in your life that keep you from reaching your full potential.” I am very excited about the journey I am beginning and want to share it with you.

I am taking this class because I am sick & tired of the way my life has been going for the past 9 or so years. After years of trials and tribulations as a teenager and a 20 something, I finally started to feel good about myself as a person. But, I think I got complacent somewhere along the line…

Through therapy, I had dealt with the repercussions of the bad decisions I made growing up. My doctors finally found the proper “cocktail” of medications to treat my Bipolar disorder. And, I got the help I needed to be able to take care of myself and my daughter. But, I still seemed to have a “hole inside”. I gave up and settled on my ex-husband to fill it. Things had been going pretty well for me despite the fact that I occasionally had to go back to the hospital for “tune ups”. When I met my ex, I was in a pretty good place for someone who had had a head injury and had struggled with an undiagnosed mental disorder for years. My faith in God was strong, I was very active physically and socially and being the best mom I could be (learning along the way).

Things started to go downhill after he and I got together. And, they never got better. After six years of taking care of him as well as Mikayla, I was losing more and more of myself and I couldn’t take it anymore. I started to proceed with getting a divorce. Four years of depression later, I had slumped back into some negative habits. My finances were depleted, my soul was smashed, and my sense of self was almost gone. That was two summers ago…

Now, it has been almost six years since Aaron and I broke up and I have just been coasting along. I've been ignoring the fact that I am unhappy with myself. Lately, I have become more and more tired of feeling this way and I am finally ready to make the changes I need in order to feel good again! I want to have a life of spirituality again! I want to allow creativity to flow through my mind into my hands again! I want to be able to teach my daughter how to live a structured and happy life. In order for me to be able to do all of this, I need help. And, I believe this class is the start!

(Posted on FB Friday, June 5, 2009 at 12:59am)

Blond Cartoons

Blond Joke #1

A blond, brunette, and redhead were talking about the babies they were going to have. The brunette said she was going to have a girl because they did it missionary style. The redhead cheerfully bragged how she was going to have a boy because she was on top. The blond began to cry and when asked why, she said she was going to have puppies.

(Posted on FB Friday, June 5, 2009 at 10:26pm)

Blond Joke #1 & 1/2 (plus a cartoon)

On a plane bound for New York the flight attendant approached a blond sitting in the first class section and requested she move to economy since she didn't have a first class ticket.

The blond replied, "I'm blond, I'm beautiful, I'm going to New York and I'm not moving."

Not wanting to argue with a customer the flight attendant asked the co-pilot to speak to her. He went to talk with the woman asking her to please move out of the first class section.

Again, the blond replied, "I'm blond, I'm beautiful, I'm going to New York and I'm not moving."

The co-pilot returned to the cockpit and asked the captain what he should do.

The captain said, "I' m married to a blond, and I know how to handle this."
He went to the first class section and whispered in the blond's ear.

She immediately jumped up and ran to the economy section mumbling to herself, Why didn't anyone just say so?"

Surprised, the flight attendant and the co-pilot asked the captain what he said to her. The captain replied: "I told her the first class section wasn't going to New York."

(Posted on FB Friday, June 5, 2009 at 10:32pm)

Blond Joke #2

Two blondes living in Oklahoma were sitting on a bench talking, and one blonde says to the other, "Which do you think is farther away.... Florida or the moon?"
The other blonde turns and says "Helloooooooooo, can you see Florida?????"

(Posted on FB Friday, June 5, 2009 at 10:48pm)

Blond Joke #2 & 1/2

A guy decides to bring his new blond girlfriend to a football game. After the game is over, he asks her if she liked the game.

She replies: "Oh it was great, I loved watching those men in tight clothes, but there is one thing I don't understand."

"What did you not understand?"

And the blond says: "Well, at the beginning of the game, both teams flipped a quarter to see who would kick off first. Then the rest of the game everybody was yelling get the quarter back, get the quarter back, get the quarter back. So I thought to myself, gosh it's just a quarter!"

(Posted on FB Friday, June 5, 2009 at 10:51pm)

Blond Joke #3

A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died.
After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly.
She says, "What 's the story?"
He replies, "Just crap in the carburetor"
She asks, "How often do I have to do that?"

(Posted on FB Friday, June 5, 2009 at 10:53pm)

Blond Joke #4

A police officer stops a blonde for speeding and asks her very nicely if he could see her license.
She replied in a huff, "I wish you guys would get your act together. Just yesterday you took away my license and then today you expect me to show it to you!"

(Posted on FB Friday, June 5, 2009 at 11:04pm)

Blond Joke #5

There's this blonde out for a walk. She comes to a river and sees another blonde on the opposite bank. "Yoo-hoo!" she shouts, "How can I get to the other side?"

The second blonde looks up the river then down the river and shouts back, "You ARE on the other side.

(Posted on FB Friday, June 5, 2009 at 11:08pm)

I took an on-line personality test and this is what my result was!

I am an Idealist.

Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self -- always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.

Idealists are sure that friendly cooperation is the best way for people to achieve their goals. Conflict and confrontation upset them because they seem to put up angry barriers between people. Idealists dream of creating harmonious, even caring personal relations, and they have a unique talent for helping people get along with each other and work together for the good of all. Such interpersonal harmony might be a romantic ideal, but then Idealists are incurable romantics who prefer to focus on what might be, rather than what is. The real, practical world is only a starting place for Idealists; they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized, rich with meanings calling out to be understood. This idea of a mystical or spiritual dimension to life, the "not visible" or the "not yet" that can only be known through intuition or by a leap of faith, is far more important to Idealists than the world of material things.

Highly ethical in their actions, Idealists hold themselves to a strict standard of personal integrity. They must be true to themselves and to others, and they can be quite hard on themselves when they are dishonest, or when they are false or insincere. More often, however, Idealists are the very soul of kindness. Particularly in their personal relationships, Idealists are without question filled with love and good will. They believe in giving of themselves to help others; they cherish a few warm, sensitive friendships; they strive for a special rapport with their children; and in marriage they wish to find a "soulmate," someone with whom they can bond emotionally and spiritually, sharing their deepest feelings and their complex inner worlds.

Idealists are relatively rare, making up no more than 15 to 20 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.

Idealists at Work
Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. They are naturally drawn to working with people and are gifted with helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potential both on, and off, the job.

Because you live in anticipation of an exciting future, in your ideal job you will be asked to stretch your imagination on a continual basis. Existing ideas, individuals and groups of people, products, services, and the relationships between these things can trigger flashes of insight about how "what is" might unfold into "what might be." You feel rewarded where you feel free to share your insights with people who encourage your creativity and who support the unpredictable process by which you narrow down the stream of ideas into innovations that are meaningful within the scheme of your personal values. You are likely to be comfortable taking on a leadership role, so long as it doesn’t place you in an arbitrary hierarchy.

(Posted on FB Monday, June 8, 2009 at 10:30pm)

Shame on all you evil hunters!

Just remember as you read this, this person probably drives AND votes! And unfortunately breeds !!!!

(Posted on FB Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 10:21pm)

The Pastor's Ass

The moral to the story is the best!!

The pastor entered his donkey in a race and it won.

The pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again, and it won again. The local paper read:


The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the pastor not to enter the donkey in another race.

The next day, the local paper headline read:


This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the pastor to get rid of the donkey.

The pastor decided to give it to a nun in a nearby convent.

The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day:


The bishop fainted.

He informed the nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey, so she sold it to a farmer for $10.

The next day the paper read:


This was too much for the bishop, so he ordered the nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild.

The next day the headlines read:


The bishop was buried the next day.

The moral of the story is . . . being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery . . even shorten your life.

So be yourself and enjoy life.

Stop worrying about everyone else's ass and you'll be a lot happier and live longer!

Have a nice day!

(Posted on FB Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 10:51pm)

The Dachshund & Pink the Pig

This Dachshund is fostering this little guy for another mom who couldn't take care of him.
He had his eyes closed, but now they are open. He is just a little bigger than her other pups.
She loves this little guy as much as the other puppies and she is nursing him back to health.
He is the cleanest pig-uppy ever because she licks him all the time.


'Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened.'

(Posted on FB Sunday, June 14, 2009 at 11:33pm)

Gummy Bear Drink Recipes (I'm gonna try 'em all, not at the same time though)

0.5 oz Amaretto
0.5 oz Grenadine
0.5 oz Melon liqueur
3.0 oz. Orange juice
3.0 oz. Pineapple Juice
0.5 oz Southern Comfort
Directions: Fill rest of glass with pineapple and OJ on the rocks with a splash of 7up

1 oz Absolut® vodka
1/2 oz raspberry schnapps
1/2 oz cranberry juice

1/2 oz Absolut® Mandrin vodka
1/2 oz melon liqueur
1 splash 7-Up® soda

1.5 oz sprite Lemon Lime Soda
1.0 oz apple pucker Apple Schnapps
1.0 oz everclear Grain Alcohol
1.5 oz sobe mr. green Iced tea
Directions: mix all together and stir well. add ice or more cola's if needed.


(Posted on FB Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 12:04pm)

Monday, March 29, 2010

A Tidbit of Mindless Crap

Q.: Where is the most painful place on the human body to be punched?

A.: This one's probably a matter of opinion, but the majority of people I've checked with, including medical professionals and athletes, say it's the kidneys. A boxer I asked pointed out that professional fighters have been knocked out by a single, solid shot to the kidneys (not knocked unconscious, but unable to get back to their feet by the count of ten). Incidentally, I ruled out the testicles from discussion because women will never know, or understand, the intense pain of being hit in the balls.

(Posted on FB Tuesday, June 16, 2009 at 10:41pm)

Questions for Friends (another FB game)

1. Which coffee flavor are you?
-I'm NOT coffee!

2. What are 5 words that best describes you?
#1 & #2 "Smart ass" #3 "affectionate" #4 "tattooed" #5 "goofy"

3. Which has been your happiest moment in life?
approx. 11:30 AM on October 22, 1997

4. If told that this is your last day on earth, how would you spend it?
-Ride an elephant with my daughter, Mikayla; Take her to an amusement park & ride ALL of the roller coasters & water rides; Write ALL of my loved ones meaningful letters; And, make sure the plans I've made for Mikayla are going to happen! Plus, I want to SKY DIVE!!!!

5. Rate all your friends on the basis of their sense of humor on a scale of ten.
10 - LeeLee
10 - Nick
10 - Rich
10 - Hayden
7 - Suellen (MUAH HA HA!!!) just kidding
10 - Jack
10 - Scott Pitts
10 - Chris
10 - Jeff
10 - Stephen
10 - Matt (maybe)

6. If you were granted three wishes, what would you ask for?
wish # 1: for Mikayla to have everything she needs & a lot of what she wants!
wish # 2: for my parents to have everything they need & a lot of what they want!
and, wish # 3: for Me to have everything I need & a lot of what I want!

7. Name one annoying habit of any of your friends’, which you would really like to change!
-he (Not a friend on FB) calls me every f****** day!!! I really want him to NOT call me every single day!!!

8. Name one quality that you absolutely adore in your friends.
I agree with Suellen, a Sense of Humor is what I love the most in my friends!

9. What has been your best-kept secret till date? (This is perhaps the best one! You’ll be amazed at the things people have been hiding!)
I haven't been able to keep a secret... so don't tell me anything! Ha Ha Ha (just kidding)

10. Which is your most cherished childhood memory?
Dancing around the living room while my daddy made home-movies. I was "Flitterbug"!

11. Which is your most favorite place in this earth?
I haven't been there yet, but I know it's going to be Australia!

12. If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the five things that you would want to survive?
-a PUR water purifier
-several different kinds of vegetable seeds
-a solar powered computer laptop (OR endless roll of TOILET PAPER!!!!)
-protection from the elements
-a vibrator & lots of AA batteries! LOL

13. Name 2 things you do everyday.
-watch TV
-sleep (unless I have drank too much coffee)

14. Name 2 things you will try to accomplish within the next 6 months
-go back to church
-complete training at my Dad's company & work

15. What makes you relax?
listening to the electonica music channel on Comcast On Demand while I sleep, Jigsaw Sudoku, Facebook, Jim Beam & Dr. Pepper

(Posted on FB Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 12:05am)

Smart student, Dumb test

A college student needed a small two-hour course to fill his schedule. The only one that fit into his schedule was a course in Wildlife Zoology. He had some reservations about the course because he had heard that it was tough and the teacher was a bit quirky. But it seemed like the only choice, so he signed up.

After one week and one chapter, the professor gave the class a test. He passed out a sheet of paper divided into squares. In each square was a carefully drawn picture of some bird legs. Not bodies, not wings, not colors, not locales-- only bird legs. The students had to identify the birds from the pictures of their legs.

It shocked the student. He didn't have a clue as to what the answers were. The student stared at the test and grew angrier and angrier. Finally reaching the boiling point, he stomped up to the front of the classroom, threw the test on the teacher's desk, and exclaimed, "This is the worst test I've ever seen, and this is the dumbest course I've ever taken."

The teacher looked up at him and said, "Young man, you just flunked the test." Then the teacher picked up the student's paper, saw that he hadn't put his name on it, and asked, "By the way, young man, what's your name?"

At this the student pulled up his pants, revealed his legs and said, "You identify me!"

(Posted on FB Sunday, June 28, 2009 at 5:17pm)

the Birthday Letter I wish I could send my son

This is my son. My first born. The name I gave him is Caleb Walker Murphy. I placed him for adoption when he was 3 days old. His name is now Landon. This picture was made when he was approx. 6 months old. He is holding the stuffed bunny my grandmother give him.

July 2, 2009

Dear Landon,

Sixteen years ago today, my life was incredibly blessed by God when I gave birth to you. July 2nd, 1993 was the happiest and saddest day of my life. For nine months, while you were growing inside me, I was growing attached to you. For nine months, I wondered what you were going to look like and be like. For nine months, you were my baby boy. And, for three days I got to hold you in my arms. For three days, I looked into your eyes and watched you wiggle and cry. Although I loved you more than anyone else in the whole world, I knew that providing for you was just as important as loving you.

For nine months, I agonized over being a single mom or giving you to another couple. I wanted to keep you and try to do the best I could for you. But, you deserved better than what I could only try to do for you. You deserved more than just love. I thought about all the things I wanted for you, but couldn’t imagine how all of them could possibly happen. You deserved everything good! You deserved the best!

Sixteen years ago, I had love to give to you, but you deserved more. You needed a mom and a dad to love you, I was just a mom loving you. You needed safety and security, I could only give you love. You needed to eat and play and grow and thrive, I could only give you love. You needed more than only love! So, I loved you by giving you two of the best people to be your parents, to love you and raise you better than I could.

As God had blessed me with a healthy baby boy, I trust that He has provided you with everything you‘ve needed! In my heart, I know He has blessed the couple I chose for you, your Mom and Dad. I hope and pray that you have gotten and are getting everything I wanted for you and more!

I have always, always thought about you. I always have and will always love you my sweet son. Everyday thoughts of you flood my mind. July 2nd of every year since 1993, has been the most special day in my heart. I have no idea if your parents have ever told you about me but, I want to let you know that I didn’t give you up, I tried to give you a better life. I will always be here waiting to see you again, hoping to hold you in my arms one more time. To be able to hug you, look into your eyes and hear you say “hello”, and to have the chance to tell you face to face again how much I love you Landon would be a dream come true!

I wish I could wish you Happy Birthday today! And, I hope all of your dreams come true!

Your "Birth" Mom

(Posted on FB Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 4:48am)

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FB Comments

Claire B.: This letter is so beautifully written Jill. I truly hope you will get to meet your son one day, if it is what you both want. You did a very brave thing by giving him up for adoption. Sending all my love to you xxxx

This made me cry. I'm sure if your son could read it he would understand your reasons. Much love, Claire x

TwilightLovin ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: Thank you very much Claire! I do very much want to meet him some day! I wish it could be sooner than later. But, I will be happy no matter when it is!

Scott L.: Great letter Jill.

Mark Y.: Very touching.

Valerie D.: look lady... this totally made me cry.

Lindy B.: Jill can you possibly send me a copy of this letter to my email. its on my facebook profile. I cried while reading it. As I have a son who will be 17 on July 6th.Everything you wrote is exactly how Ive been feeling but couldnt find the words until I read this very touching emotional letter.THANK YOU

Linda L. B.: Jill, that has brought back a lot memories to me.

TwilightLovin ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: I appreciate everyone very much for your kind words & thoughts! Today is the toughest day (emotionally) for me and it helps so much for me to share it with others. Thanks for letting me share it with you!

Stephen H.: I wish I could have gotten a letter like this from my birth is beautiful Jill.

TwilightLovin ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: Thanks Stephen! I wish I had permission to send it to him! I actually could send it to him via fb or myspace or even snail mail, but I don't want to screw up the possibility of actually, legally getting to meet him when his an "adult"! And, I dare not send it also because I am not ready to deal with rejection since that could very well happen.

Jennifer H.: That is awesome. I wish I could see what my son looks like now, or even at 6 months old...One of these days it will happen, when it is meant to be. Good luck to you = )

Sally B.-H.: WOW WOW WOW....i second what Stephen H. wrote to you. What I would have given to get that type of letter from MY birthmother. I found her and wrote her but she was bitter that I found her. Its a small world and if its meant for you to meet you baby boy it will happen. One thing is that after finding my birth mother I also found out she had two more daughters and a son. I have never met them and they no nothing about me or my twin Susan. As I said before its a small world and I found her two daughters on Facebook and requested to be friends! The one agreed to it. I have never told her who I am though. Its not the right time. I hope someday she posts a picture of my birthmother on her facebook account. but as of yet nothing.

TwilightLovin ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: My son's whole family is here on facebook, and I want so much to contact them, but I fear rejection and some of my friends have advised me to wait. That it will happen when the time is ready. Legally, I have to wait until he is 18 (just 2 more years) but, if they're here on fb, doesn't that mean some kind of door has opened???

Stephen H.: Jill....time out doesn't matter that they are on door has they know you're on fb? bet is yes...btw...your latest picture of yourself looks alot like the picture of him at school that i sent you.

TwilightLovin ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: I was just saying what has been going through my mind in regards to wondering if this was a "door"... I believe they have figured it out that I am here, too. But, my privacy settings only allow my friends to view my profile. Which picture of mine are you talking about? :)

Stephen H.: Sorry...I did a dyslexic thing.

Suellen R.: Thank you for sharing that w/me/us.

JacobLovin' (Leslie) S.-C.: i'm crying...:) It's a good cry tho. This letter is just oozing with honesty and love from mother to child. The best thing of all is HE LOOKS JUST LIKE U!!!!! In time, you will be able to wish ur son a Happy Birthday (in person) and give him the hug you've been waiting all these years to give him. The separation is only temporary and when u r reunited again you will know it was worth the wait!!!!!!!!!!

Caleb Walker Murphy (Landon Christopher C.) has been on my mind ALL day long! July 2, 2009

Dear Landon,

I miss you and I hope you had a wonderful Birthday! I hope your 16th year is great! I hope all of your years have been just as wonderful and I pray that your future years are even more spectacular!

Love, your birth mom

(Posted on FB Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 10:50pm)

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FB Comments

Sally B.-H.: Wow Jill...what a beautiful thing to write. Wish my birthmom was as caring as you.....Take care.

TwilightLovin ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: Thanks Sally! Did you read the other letter I posted this morning?

Sally B.-H.: Jill...i will pray that somehow he finds you. It only took me about 48 hrs. to find my birthmother. Stay positive....

Sally B.-H.: is landon his name now or what you gave him?

Sally B.-H.: How old are your kids? Do you have 2 or 3?

TwilightLovin ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: Thanks again Sally! Could you also pray for his adoptive parents? :)

Sally B.-H.: Yes...i will pray for his adoptive parents that they understand you don't want to take over. I understand you have an empty feeling that only he can fill. What would it hurt for him to meet you??

TwilightLovin ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: His name Is Landon Christopher now. I named him Caleb Walker. Karen & Tom were thinking of the name Caleb when I was pregnant and shared it with me. I grew so attached to the name Caleb that although I originally wanted to give him the same first name they planned, when they told me they had decided they liked the name Landon better, I still stuck with Caleb (because it had stuck on me)!

Besides him, I have one other. Mikayla is 11 and a half! (I am still a single mom and I am happy with that!)

Chris F.: I remember some of our long talks at night. I know you are just about going crazy thinking about all this, but think about this for a bit... you've waited 16 years, I think you can wait 2 more. Caleb will find you and won't have a problem in doing so.. So look on the bright side, 2 more years and every day is a step less. So hang in there, do what you gotta do for Mik and enjoy the ride cuz I got a good feeling Caleb is gonna come to you...

Amy T.-S.: Jill- After 42+ years, my friend met his bmom yesterday, along with 2 half-bio-siblings. He said it was AWESOME!

Pictures to help you Smile!

NO, I'm not going to the VET!!

This beats the heck out of bunk beds!

Aww shucks, I thought I'd end up in the kitchen!

I've been on hold for 45 minutes!!!!

I wasn't doin' anything naughty, promise.

I have an OUWEE!

What do you mean, 'I look a little green today?

Ahhh...this is sooo good my toes are curling!

I'm sure glad this wasn't a frosted mug!!!

Ebony and Ivory~~~

Whew, this pumpin' iron is for the birds!!

Mom said to cover your mouth when you yawn...

If they phone. I'm not here...

I missed you all day!

We have different Dad's!

They call it puppy love~~~

(Posted on FB Friday, July 17, 2009 at 8:24pm)