Dear Landon,
I miss you and I hope you had a wonderful Birthday! I hope your 16th year is great! I hope all of your years have been just as wonderful and I pray that your future years are even more spectacular!
Love, your birth mom
(Posted on FB Thursday, July 2, 2009 at 10:50pm)
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FB Comments
Sally B.-H.: Wow Jill...what a beautiful thing to write. Wish my birthmom was as caring as you.....Take care.
TwilightLovin ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: Thanks Sally! Did you read the other letter I posted this morning?
Sally B.-H.: Jill...i will pray that somehow he finds you. It only took me about 48 hrs. to find my birthmother. Stay positive....
Sally B.-H.: is landon his name now or what you gave him?
Sally B.-H.: How old are your kids? Do you have 2 or 3?
TwilightLovin ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: Thanks again Sally! Could you also pray for his adoptive parents? :)
Sally B.-H.: Yes...i will pray for his adoptive parents that they understand you don't want to take over. I understand you have an empty feeling that only he can fill. What would it hurt for him to meet you??
TwilightLovin ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: His name Is Landon Christopher now. I named him Caleb Walker. Karen & Tom were thinking of the name Caleb when I was pregnant and shared it with me. I grew so attached to the name Caleb that although I originally wanted to give him the same first name they planned, when they told me they had decided they liked the name Landon better, I still stuck with Caleb (because it had stuck on me)!
Besides him, I have one other. Mikayla is 11 and a half! (I am still a single mom and I am happy with that!) :o)
Chris F.: I remember some of our long talks at night. I know you are just about going crazy thinking about all this, but think about this for a bit... you've waited 16 years, I think you can wait 2 more. Caleb will find you and won't have a problem in doing so.. So look on the bright side, 2 more years and every day is a step less. So hang in there, do what you gotta do for Mik and enjoy the ride cuz I got a good feeling Caleb is gonna come to you...
Amy T.-S.: Jill- After 42+ years, my friend met his bmom yesterday, along with 2 half-bio-siblings. He said it was AWESOME!
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