2: "Amongst" ★ To get with someone and perform sexual activities (usually when drunk and at parties).
3: "Veranda" ★ The female version of the "taint" (The area between the nutsack and asshole that prevent a man from shitting on his nuts); ★ A very holy place that a man often come across as his tongue travels from performing cunnilingus to giving a rim job.
4: "Manashery" OR "Menagerie" "Manashery" hasn't been defined yet cuz I don't think it's even an effin' word!!! BUT if it's supposed to be "Menagerie", then it means ★ A collection of wild or unusual animals, esp. for exhibition; A place where they are kept or exhibited; an unusual and varied group of people. It is also the French word for zoo.
5: "Apropo" ★ Common misspelling of apropos. Apropos means “By the way”.
6: "Verbatim" ★ When one plucks a branch from a tree of the oak variety, brews it in the sweat of six Norwegian men, lets it marinate for 16 hours, then uses it to slather the marinade on the body of their sexual partner, and proceeds to lick it off.
7: "Apparatus" ★ Thingy.
8: "Moot" ★ Albanian for "shit".
9: "Unbeknownst" ★ A word that pretentious pricks use to try to sound smarter than they actually are.
10: "Ricketts" ★ A loose whore; ★ a russel in the grass; ★ a condom dispenser also named Steve.
11: "Sri Lanka" ★ A country that has land which has not been killed by industries such as corporate America; ★ The land of the long last names.
12: "Mayanmar" ★ NO effin' clue what this effin' word is, but if it's supposed to be "Myanmar", then it means: jynfaxmifpk jrefrm EkdifiH or Burma.
13: "Lyni" ★ Hasn't been defined yet But "TWINK" is close.
14: "Vestibule" ★ Where uninformed prepubescent nerds get ego trips because of high post counts; ★ The place where all evil and spam reigns; ★ A place where pre-pubescent teenagers linger with nothing better to do rather than talk about buttseckz on an online message board. See #91.
15: "Cornucopia" ★ An abundance of something; ★ This is the name of the coolest youth group ever; ★ Holistic medicine to enhance the male sex drive; ★ Your upper butt hole; ★ The small hole above you butt hole.
16: "Excrement" ★ The smelly log. It comes in 3 flavors: Chocolate, peanut and lime; ★ Waste your body eliminates. Includes feces and urine; ★ The mother f**kin shit that comes shooting out your ass; ★ Another word for excellent.
17: "Carpe Diem" ★ To "seize the day" and/or a certain moment in time. (Homer Simpson says "Seize the Doughnut, forget about seizing the day.")
18: "Koi" ★ Large species of carp; ★ Vibrating dildo that can send your woman to the moon and around several stars.
★☽☆MOON & STARS ☆☽★
19: "Chalmers" ★ Super lame. Sits at home when something really cool is going on and stares at the wall. Typically chained down by girlfriend, boyfriend, or wife. Has no fun, no willpower, and no life essence; ★ A person who sits at home (on a perfectly good evening for going out) and masturbates. See "POONER"
20: "Clam Diggers" ★ A woman who is constantly scratching her dirty stink hole due to a case of chronic persistent chlamydia.
21: "Dungarees" ★ An item of clothing that can be worn only by three groups of people, namely lesbians, plumbers and the pregnant. Wearing them if you are not in any of these groups is as suicidal as a Scotsman wearing the wrong tartan, or wearing the wrong gangs colors.
22: "Feces" ★ The stuff monkeys throw at each other and later sniff for pleasure; ★ Crap or shit.
23: "Conundrum" ★ A kind of riddle based upon some fanciful or fantastic resemblance between things quite unlike; ★ A puzzling question, of which the answer is or involves a pun; ★ The state occurring when a delight conflicts with a concurrent displeasure.
24: "Rotunda" ★ A big white ass that older women have.
25: "Cheatle" ★ A danish man with an affection for over-weight children, especially boys.
26: "Coccyx" ★ Medical term for tailbone. Small triangular bone found at the base of the PooPer.
27: "Bi-Partisan" ★ Bi-partisan isn't defined yet @ UrbanDictionary.com ... Oxymoron
28: "Sprocket" ★ Anus; ★ Butt-hole.
29: "Hullabaloo" ★ Something that seems to be of great importance or a big deal that is perhaps unnecessary.
30: "Zygote" ★ Sperm + Egg = Zygote; ★ A young jerk off. Usually a cousin of your friend; ★ A zygote is a cross between a zebra an a goat- The result of a zebra and a goat left alone for to long. ... Or, what happens when a zebra and a goat walk through a teleporter at the same time.
31: "Britches" ★ Southern slang for "pants" or "jeans."
32: "Uvula" ★ The dangly thingy in the back of your mouth, needed for ululating, or vibrating your words; ★ Bald skinhead from Texas.
33: "Labia" ★ The lips of the vagina. Frequently these are what create the famous camel toe when they press into a woman's underwear or bikini; ★ "The lips between her hips."; ★ Windbreak for the clitoris. The bigger they are the less whistling the vagina makes whilst running; ★ The folds of skin that wrap wrap and protect the love tunnel of the woman's loins. Fleshy guardians of the dungeon of love; ★ A beautiful place to rest ones head; ★ Piss flaps.
34: "Fribble" ★ A dick fart. It occurs when bodily gas is expelled through a cock; ★ A so called delicious ice cream treat that has the taste and the consistency of diarrhea; ★ A perplexity, or elaborate puzzle.
35: "Brouhaha" ★ A high degree of activity caused by some controversy in a group of people; ★ Chaos, often used to exclaim superiority. Used by uber nerds and wanna be posers; ★ A scuffle, characterized by pushing, shoving, and/or fighting. A word commonly used by Sportsnet anchor Don Taylor, when this occurs in a hockey game that he is covering.
36: "Poppycock" ★ British term for bullshit. From the Dutch 'pappy cack' - literal translation 'Soft Shit'; ★ The word used by anyone born before 1925, when they miraculously hear what you are saying, and don't believe what they hear.
37: "Conniption" ★ A psychological condition of being extremely upset and frustrated by failure to achieve some goal or inability to obtain some object denied to one. Usually consists of crying, shouting, stamping of feet, throwing of objects, or inappropriate use of words.
38: "Scrumptious" ★ DEE-LISH!
39: "Persnickety" ★ Showing particular attention to the details; ★ Related to being picky or fussy--over-particular; ★ Commonly perceived as snobbish or pretentious; ★ Fastidious; ★ When a person is a douche bag or just gets on other peoples nerves.
40: "Mollycoddle" ★ To overprotect and indulge a person.
41: "Quief" ★ Sometimes happens, due to pressure changes in the vagina particularly during the orgasm; ★ Expulsion of air after or during sexual intercourse; ★ A discharge of built up air through the vaginal cavity. Creating a farting like sound (A.K.A. pussy fart).
42: "Sassafras" ★ A tree or the root of this tree that is often used to make GOOD root beer; ★ Derived from the word sassy; the act of being a smart-ass, back-talking, rude and disrespectful, impudent; ★ A feisty girl; ★ Having enormous amounts of random useless knowledge. (i.e. this List!)
43: "Discombobulate" ★ One of those rare and wonderful words that means exactly what it sounds like; ★ To DISconnect something while BOBbing your head (DIScomBOBulate). also known as: discombobulator, discombobulated, discombobulation, etc; ★ When you do something to something but your not sure what it is.
44: "Gimpy" ★ A nickname for someone who is retarded, handicapped, or a wordspazz; ★ Adj. describing something that is so lame that you feel jipped/cheated/owned; ★ An overall nerd; ★ Simon's bumchum -has curly black hair and likes to smoke, likes to ride bicycles and stick up his middle finger at innocent people passing by.
45: "Shart" ★ A small, unintended defecation that occurs when one relaxes the anal sphincter to fart (blend of "shit" and "fart").
46: "Lolly-Gag" ★ To goof off, to waste time, to procrastinate. Mostly said by hipsters and old farts.
47: "Cankle" ★ Fusion of calf and ankle. ❈ ❈ ❈*Cankle Fairy*❈ ❈ ❈
48: "Thespian" ★ An actor/actress. Usually used in theaters and high schools.
49: "Memoir" ★ A writing about an important event of ones life, a highlight.
50: "Dander" ★ The spot between your balls and your pillypacker.
51: "Plethora" ★ A lot, a cornucopia, myriad, an abundance, an excessive amount, a superabundance.
52: "Flaccid" ★ Limp or soft; ★ When the male penis is unhappy :( ; ★ "Down time".
53: "Bee-atch" or "Be-yotch" ★ Anything that pisses you off! ("Bee-otch" ★ The use of mixing a bitch and a crotch so it makes a bitch crotch).
54: "Phooey" ★ Word uttered or screamed in frustration, annoyance, or anger; a clean alternative to fuck, shit, or damn.
55: "Therum" ★ To quit and rejoin a group, or club, repeatedly, all the while being an ass to everyone else.
56: "Pathagery" ★ Dishonest copying and use of another's directions.
57: "Nekkid" ★ Nekkid is not simply being without clothing ★ It means you are gettin' nekkid for mischievous purposes. "Naked" is natural; nekkid is naughty.
58: "Perpetrate" ★ To front. To fake it 'til you make it.
59: "Leisure Suit"(in honor of Rich's brown Leisure suit) ★ A cotton jump suit typically worn by Italians while doing leisurely things such as gambling, wearing large gold chains, and kicking faces in. A standard Italian leisure suit will have a zip up upper (with white T-shirt under) and matching pants. Said leisure suit can be nylon or cotton and converted to Italian formal wear simply by adding an Italian neck tie (gold chain) and sandals with white socks.
60: "Guru" ★ One who prides him or herself on being a cesspool of useless information, and who will often inappropriately throw out random facts in normal conversation to appear more intelligent than they actually are - especially when they are misinformed but overly confident in their knowledge. Often, a guru will ruin a joke by pointing out a flaw in logic or in facts, or will rattle off an excessive amount of information on a topic that nobody really cared about to begin with.
61: "Embark" ★ To hunt cockroaches, water bugs or silverfish illegally for profit.
62: "Lichtenstein" ★ Not defined yet (See for yourselves EFFERS!), but Roy Lichtenstein was a pop artist for most of his life and used projected images from cartoons,gum wrappers and comics to make large-scale art. Lichtenstein
63: "Ill Advised" ★ Here is an example of Ill advised
64: "Boo Ya" ★ Another phrase for, "In yo face MoFo!", or "I told yo ignate ass!" It's also considered a bad catch phrase from the nineties. A lot of wangstas (wanna be gangstas) use this term not knowing it's lame affect on the person who is listening which could result in someone busting a cap in that persons ass.
65: "Convoluted" ★ this is close!
66: "Carte Blanche" ★ Unconditional authority ★ Literally means "blank check."
67: "Glutes" (pronounced "gloots") ★ Ass cheeks.
68: "Jibralter" (instead of "Gibraltar") ★ A rock on the end of Spain. Spanish Border Guards are notoriously harsh on Gringo Tourists who try to smuggle a few thousand ciggies across.
69: Shamrock ★ An Irish penis.
70: "Brung" ★ The past tense of bring (if you don't believe me look in the real dictionary, its there); ★ It's not really a ghetto word for brought, just an example of bad grammar.
71: "Canoodling" ★ Snuggling, kissing, heavy petting, making out.
72: "Sons O' Bitches" ★ Plural form of 'son of a bitch'.
74: "Obscure" ★ Hard to understand (difficult to understand because of not being fully or clearly expressed).
75: "Fister" ★ Someone who is prone to "fisting".
76: "Malicious" ★ A really sexy way of saying "evil", or a really evil way of saying "sexy". It basically means evil and wanting to hurt someone but it sounds sexy.
77: "Ocular Trauma" ★ When someone, usually a person, although pop-up ads qualify, forces you to see something that you don't want to see.
78: "Penetrate" ★ The entering of one object into another, usually through some sort of semi-permeable membrane/skin/defense/covering.
79: "Uber" ★ The ultimate, above all, the best, top, something that nothing is better.
80: "Tards" ★ People who are not retarded, but are really just normal person acting retarded.
81: "Silver Crescent" ★ The moon's shape at a certain time of the month. =D HA! HA! HA!
82: "Trifling" ★ Describing a situation, person, or event that is pathetic; ★ Pretty much saying "That's fucked up!"
83: "Douche Canoes" ★ The worst kind of "douches" imaginable. ★ Douche= a word to describe an individual who has shown themselves to be very brainless in one way or another, thus comparing them to the cleansing product for vaginas.
84: "Butt Munch" ★ Someone who wears trousers that hang too tightly around the arse. The trousers are usually so tight, that it appears the the persons butt is actually munching on their trousers. It is not a pretty sight.
85: "Plethora" ★ (already entered as #51)
86: "Gherkins" ★ A tall endearment for one's member.
87: "Bobblehead" ★ Refers to a female who freely gives oral sex to random males without pay.
88: "Crotch" ★ What Michael Jackson grabs with a simultaneous pelvic thrust and emphatic, falsetto, "Ooooooooooow!".
♬☆♩☆♪ MJ's Pelvic Thrust ♪☆♩☆♬
89: "Corinthian Leather" ★ ("Corinthian") Of very shoddy workmanship, but is called Corinthian to make it sound very impressive.
90: "Bonkers" ★ Bananas, nuts, crazy, wild, ballistic, cuckoo! Any thesaurus will do.
91: "Vestibule" ★ "A place where all intelligent users go to have well thought out chats about tea and trumpets. Yeah, you fucking heard me...trumpets." See #14.
92: "Shazam" ★ Exclamatory phrase used when striking an unsuspecting victim in the genitalia with a foreign apparatus such as a back scratcher or a crow bar. SHAZAM!
93: "By-Cracky" ★ A phrase said in a wheezing voice when a referenced person has some sort of facial hair, i.e. beard, mustache, goatee, soul patch, sideburns, etc.; ★ The phrase originated from a joke in 60's and 70's when women were a little less "well kept" down there than they are today. When looking at the woman from behind, pubic hair could be seen hanging between the woman's legs. When informing your friends of the experience, you would tell them that she didn't have a beard on her face, but BY CRACKY!
94: "Phalanges" ★ They're technically your finger bones. Also mentioned in Friends, as Phoebe calls herself Regina Phalanges and claims to Rachel there is something wrong with her plane to Paris's left phalange. ✈
95: "And Such" ★ A phrase that can be added after any sentence.
96: "Commandeer" ★ To seize arbitrarily.
97: "Thesaurus" ★ A scholarly dinosaur known worldwide for his knowledge of words of all kind.
98: "Hooper" ★ When you call someone a 'Hooper' either they have excrimented in a bush, or he is a man who is the result of Tasmanian Inbreeding and takes it in the ring, see Hoopajew.
99: "Parsnippity" ★ Misspelling of Persnippity
100: "Memorandum" ★ Memorandum is when you strike the judge in the face with your left shoe during a court session. you then hop up to the nearest table claiming you had a short written statement outlining the terms of an agreement, transaction, or contract. when the marshal runs over to restrain you, you whip out your genitalia and call the marshal Mr .Peepers. then begin to masturbate onto the marshal, while screaming old songs like "my console by Eiffel 65" when the judge regains conscience you strike him/her again with your junk and call it a night....if the marshal calls you the next night.. then the memorandum has been completed.
101: "Constituents" ★ Essential parts.
102: "Creme' Brulee" ★ Tasty dessert (like "Jizzing" on a girl's face and then using a blowtorch to caramelize it.")
103: "Comrade" or "Commodore" ★ "Pokey the Penguin" OR A large, prehistoric family sedan, sold in Australia by Holden motor company (Prerequisite for owning this car, is a loving for AC/DC, Whitesnake and Winfield Blues).
104: "Sasquatch" ★ The official name of Bigfoot; ★ A female with an excessive amount of pubic hair.
105: "Guesstimate" ★ A half-assed job at estimating (an annoying phrase likely originating from high school science teachers).
106: "Nonsensicalness" ★ The most amazing bullshit ever created; ★ Speaking words or ideas that have no purpose or definition or meaning.
107: "Hyde and Hare" ★ Hyde and Hare
108: "Heifer" (unless referring to an actual cow.) ★ A prodigiously large female, usually from Kentucky), about the same size as a cow.<
109: "Pungent" ★ To be considered good by popular belief; ★ Can be used to compliment someone, especially with high enthusiasm; ★ Can describe a very strong, aggravating smell.
110: "Frazzled" ★ How you should feel is someone posts a "Pool's Closed" sign onto your community pool gate.
111: "Crotch-Cruncher" ★ Hasn't defined yet. Crotch-cruncher
112: "Chizzzzzzzzz-ain" ★ Chizzzzzzzzz-ain
113: "Jammin" ★ Listening to music, chillin, cotchin; ★ To stink excessively or to have a smell of shit on your body.
114: "Taking the Brunt" ★ To receive the worst part of something unpleasant or harmful. KAPLOW!!!
115: "Lion's Share" ★ All, or nearly all; the best or largest part Lion's Share
116: "Ya's" ★ Plural for "ya", DUH! Ya's
117: "Discombobulated" (past tense of #43) ★ Confused, puzzled, perplexed, baffled, mystified, bewildered, confounded.
118: "Like the dickens" ★(Working like the...) means working hard on everything BUT your own job.
119: "@Leslie Seth Schilling-Carroll" ♡ Leads to Smart-Ass #1
120: "@Jenny Schilling-Morris" ❀ Leads to Smart-Ass #2
121: "@JillByrne˚͜˚SmartypantsMurphy" ☯ Leads
to Smart-Ass #3
122: "@Allison Sova" ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ Leads to Smart-Ass #4
123: "@Rich Mullinax" ☮ Leads to Smart-Ass Troublemaker #5
124: "@Debbie Barr Clavijo" ☆ Leads to Smart-Ass #6
125: "Ice Capades" ★ Having butt sex without any lube and not being able to sit down for a wonderful show like the Ice Capades.
126: "Toots" ★ A girl who rudely farts (or sharts) in her pants in a repetitive fashion; ★ The name given to any girl who is so unsuccessful that they convince themselves that their entire life is a lie and thus projects this onto every person around her; ★ A word also synonymous with slut or skank.
127: "You Yourself" ★ Hasn't defined yet... BUT click here
128: "Slackers" ★ People that don't work to their potential or even 1/4 of it.
129: "DAMMIT ALL to HELL" ★ Hasn't defined yet, but "Crap to hell" is A way of expressing frustration by cursing/swearing.
130: "That Shit is Funny" ★ KA-KA (SEE ALSO #149 or #185)
131: "Like the Dickens" ★ OOPSIE DAISY!
132: "Beatitious" ★ ????
133: "Tome" ★ A skinny British emo who is terrible at typing; ★ A nickname for the Bible of Scientific Bullshit. See or visit holybullshit.com for details.
134: "Puffery" ★ Flattering, often exaggerated praise and publicity, especially when used for promotional purposes.
"Happy horseshit" is close.
135: "Creamy" ★ What defines something that tastes really good and fluffy; ★ Cool/Awesome/Bad ASS.
136: "Tamera Ann BoCOCK" ★ I have no EFFIN' clue! Not been defined @ UrbanDictionary.Com yet. BUT "BoCOCK" has! It's when a man has a slight bend... CHAOD.
137: "Occifer" ★ A police officer(also an ill-advised term of address, from a drunken slurring of the word officer); ★ Someone who will take your three-fitty, even though it's all you're worth.
138: "Cool Yer Jets" ★ Don't get excited/Calm down.
139: "Wankered" ★ The act of drinking so much your completely InSaNe. You could run round town naked and not even remember it when you eventually regain consciousness the next day. A good night out.
140: "Blast" ★ Violent diarrhea. Most commonly found on public rest room walls, floors, or on the back of toilets. Also known as “AMD” or “Almost Made it Diarrhea” it occurs when a person with diarrhea is in dire need of a rest room and almost makes it to the toilet bowl, but ends up shitting all over everything else in the stall. Did you clean the men's room? Hell no! Someone had blast all over the place in there.
141: "Fastidiously" ★ Having complicated nutritional requirements.
142: "Shiitake" pronounced "shitocky" ★ A type of Japanese Asian mushroom that sissies use as a benign way to say shit; ★ Ramen noodles with the taste of shit in them usually with mushrooms.
143: "Sleuth" ★ A covert way of saying "SLUT".
144: "Bawls" ★ A PG rated spelling of "Balls". Used as an exclamation in times of mild annoyance or surprise; ★ Popular gamer energy drink in a container is shaped like genitals; ★ What's best NOT to ask for in jail.
145: "Booking Face" ★ Participating in facebook activities, providing entertaining, intelligent and nonsense comments to your friends. (Definition care of Allison)
146: "Mark My Words" ★ Listen to what I say now, I am sure it will turn out to be true.
147: "Put a Lid on It" ★ SHUT the HELL UP!
148: "Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one gets filled the quickest" ★ Self-explanatory! Want & Shit?
149: "That Shit is Funny" ★ Funny Shit! (SEE ALSO #130 or #185)
150: "I'm Down with That" ★ In agreement with the current topic of discussion.
151: "Hullabaloo" ★ The first word of the phrase "Hullabaloo Caneck Caneck! A-WHOOP!"; ★ CHAOS!!!
152: "Wag the Dog" ★ Comes from the saying that "a dog is smarter than its tail", but if the tail were smarter, then the tail would "wag the dog".
153: "Holy Crap" big>★ A piece of poop worthy for a God; ★ When you take a dump at church.
154: "Saddle Shoes" ★ Formal two-toned leather footwear, the normal coloration is white and black , although other colorations are frequently sold. The toe and back of the shoe are white and the name comes from the saddle of black leather on the middle part which has the eyelets. Saddle shoes are worn by both men and women in a variety of styles ranging from ultra high platforms to golf cleats. Saddle shoes were often worn by women mainly girls of the 50's with skirts, a white blouse and bobby socks. Saddle shoes
155: "Side Saddle" ★ When a guy's pants are so tight you can see which side the boys are sitting; ★ An awkward or unorthodox method of sitting in a chair due to one's hemorrhoids flaring up; ★ Implies an ambiguous but unequivocally certain sexual act.
156: "Saddle Up" ★ The act of getting ready to go somewhere, especially the act of getting ready to drive somewhere; ★ The act of a woman climbing on top of a man to ride him.
157: "Wholeheartedly" ★ "Fo shizzle my nizzle".
158: "Giggity" (Dave Anderson) ★ What you say when you see something or someone that pleasures you in a sexual way, made popular by the TV show Family Guy as the catch phrase of the griffin's perverted neighbor Glenn Quagmire or mainly known as Quagmire. The phrase can be used in three ways, like two "giggity's" and then the word goo, or giggity 3 times, or just saying "giggity" nonstop; and/or A hottie, usually younger. (A "pre Giggity" is a less than eighteen year old. A "Gaggity" is an ugly girl that thinks she is a Giggity. Can be shortened to Gig.)
159: "Throw Me a Bone" ★ To give someone a little praise, recognition; ★ To be rid of unending attention seeker ass kisser; ★ To satisfy a high-maintenance individual.
160: "Having a 'Situation'" ★ Situation
161: "Conniption Fit" ★ Crying, shouting, stamping of feet, throwing of objects, or inappropriate use of words (a combination of the words in the phrase "conniption fit" is "conipshit").
162: "Innards" ★ The gooey stuff under your skin that makes you live, like your stomach and intestines.
163: "PeaCocking" ★ Dressing for attention. Just like Peacock's use their feathers to get a mate.
164: "THE LIST" ★ Just the Smart Asses 1 thru 6 effin' around!
165. "Virginity" ★ What women are proud to have and men are ashamed of; ★ Or, in a more "crude" language, A big issue over a little tissue."
166. "IDIOT/SAVANT" ★ An incredibly intelligent ditz.
167: "Shitting in the Sand" ★ Couldn't find "Shitting in the Sand", but I did find this: "Sand Panda" -The action of shitting on a sand-dune and watching the turd roll down the sand. This is called a sand-panda. Commonly used by Australian surfie folk.
168: "Clarification" ★ A word, used largely by the inept, to express an interest in understanding something that may be misconstrued.
169: "Feel the Love" ★ Phrase used to describe the opposite of the literal meaning of the phrase. (i.e. I see John was shooting you dirty looks all evening... "Yeah, I could really 'feel the love'")
170: "Jerks" ★ Boys. Your always there to back them up, but they're never there to back YOU up.
171: "Riot" ★ The best way to solve problems.
172: "Speaking of Vampires" ★ Facebook Status: Jillbyrne ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy says "'Speaking of Vampires', I'm going to start all of my sentences today with 'Speaking of Vampires'".
173: "Clean Ur Clock" ★ A slang phrase meaning to strike a blow to the face, where someone's face is their 'clock'.
174: "Hub" ★ The same as "Hifey" but to the next level. Comes from Oakland, CA. ★ "Hifey": To get "crunk" but mainly used in the Northern California area. ★ "Crunk": Mixture of the word crazy and drunk.
175: "Sock Hoppin Fuck" ★ Back in the 50's when they used to have dances called Sock Hops, Like when they call "Capri" pants... "Clamdiggers"? They used funny words back then...lol.. So Jen is a sock hoppin fuck.
176: "Guns a Blazin" BANG '"̿'̿'̵͇̿̿з=(•̪●)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿
177: "Chimnea" ★ A stupid way to say "chimney".
178: "Great Minds Think Alike" ★ "GMTA"; ★ also sexy minds think alike ("SMTA").
179: "Contradictory" ★ Given to argument and contention.
180: "By Proxy" ★ The ability to do or be something without actually physically doing it.
181: "Quorum" ★ When enough people on the committee are present to provide valid voting; "In law, a quorum is the minimum number of members of a deliberative body necessary to conduct the business of that group. Ordinarily, this is a majority of the people expected to be there, although bodies may have a lower or higher quorum." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quorum)
182: "Cheese Louise" ★ It's kinda like saying jeeze louise but it's ten times better.
183: "Damn Skippy" ★ To prove a strong point, a lot stronger than just 'yesser'.
184: "Swell" ★ A word used to make one's self sound corny yet in a delightful and jolly way; can also be used to create heavy sarcasm through an optimistic sounding word.
185: "That Shit is Funny" SEE #130 AND 149!
186: "Warshing" (SEE #209)
187: "Krogering" ★ Shopping at the wonderful world of Kroger™ (or ✰"Krogers"✰)!
188: "Rectifying" ★ To correct, make right. ★ To anally invade another.
189: "Okey Dokey" ★ Pretty lame way of saying "O.K.".
190: "Bunch of Shit" ★ A considerable amount of POOP!
191: "Kickin'" ★ Beyond gnarly. Right above nifty-keen. The epitome of cool. If someone calls you a kickin' dude/dudette, cherish it.
192: "Lookin' like I'm high" ★ after smoking pot
193: "Touchè" ★ An expression borrowed from French used when someone has said a good comeback line.
194: "Massengill" ★ A slang term for someone who can be correctly classified as a douche.
195: "PIMPIM THE LIST" ★ Addin' extra cheese, peperoni, olives and other tasty items to a cheap and boring store bought LIST before baking it in the oven. It infinitely multiplies its deliciousness.
196: "Don't Make Yourself Run Around Your Ass to Get to Your Elbow!" ~Allison's PaPa
197: "Tweakin'" ★ High on stimulants like Meth or coke. ★ Working obsessively or compulsively on something; ★ Adjusting something; ★ Being way wrong about something.
198: "Social Interview" ★ A Facebook app in which you answer silly questions about your fb friends and try to give as amusing/sarcastic answers as possible.
199: "Escapade" ★ A carefree adventure in which a group of individuals runs about late at night, preferably scantily dressed.
200: "Schilling Effers" ★ ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿ ♡ ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿
201: "Douchebag" ★ Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and asshole, however not yet reached fucker or motherfucker. Not to be confused with "douche".
202: "Blue-Footed Boobies"(added by Jill -Mikayla asked me to!)★ BOOBIES!!!
203: "Bangin'" ★ An adjective used to describe something that is impressive, enjoyable, or just basically good.
204: "Poundin on the Door Like U is the Damn Police" ★ ♞
205: "Lycra" ★ A fetish where a man urinates into the woman's LEFT nostril and it would have to come out of the Right tear duct.
206: "Coy" ★ Technique to get the tang.
207: "Alphabetize" ★ A made-up Americanism invented to describe the process of reordering a list of items into alphabetical order. i.e. "Ahm gonna alphabetize these here Krispy Kremes so's ah can eat them in gahd-damned ordah!"
208: "Get a Life" ★ Phrase used by insecure xenophobes as a response to someone with different hobbies, interests or attitudes to themselves. These people often think they have a lot of friends, but usually nobody really cares for them.
209: "Warshing" ★ Couldn't find a definition for "warshing", but I did find this! ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶
210: "Wegmans" ★ Where everybody knows your name. (WTF??? Is this place Cheers or something?)
211: "Safewaying" ★ Similar to "Krogering", except at Safeway™ (see #187).
212: "Harris Teetering" ★ Similar to "Krogering", except at Harris Teeter™. (see #187).
213: "What a Bummer!" ★ I had to use the phrase "What a drag" to find a definition. UrbanDictionary.Com defines that as: a Phrase used for showing distaste for a situation. Mostly used for something that disrupts pleasurable (often illegal) activates, or requires too much work.
214: "LMDO!" ★ "Laugh(ing) My Depends Off!"
215: "Took the Liberty" ★ Was over familiar or over presumptuous. ♔
216: "Precious" ★ What Gollum is after.
217: "Bumpit" ("crotchbumpit"), ("camel toe crotchbumpit")
★ Also, unless looked up in this dictionary, a way for a male to know that he is secretly a homosexual, and would be the only one surprised to find that out; ★ Also, a cheap plastic device used by cheap plastic females or transgenders so they do not have to rat their hair into a nappy mess to get it to have volume. ☣
218: "Tude" ★ Givin' the sass and havin' just a little bit too much attitude.
219: "Squirt" ★ When a girl literally shoots out her... (I just cannot repeat, it's so rated X!)
220: "Good Grief!" ★ Charlie Brown's, Linus's, Lucy's, and maybe even Pig Pen's favorite exclamation to express frustration.
221: "Whateverthefuck" ("ut oh...dun...dun...dun...whateverthefuck") ★ The response given when a friend or group of friends is making derogatory remarks about a recent conquest, and you are in no position to defend yourself.
222: "Bow Chica Bow Wow" ★ Used to imitate porno music. What you say in response to sexual innuendo.
223: "Potty mouth" ★ One who uses foul language such as damn, fuck, shit or shite, muther fucker, etc. (if you would like an example, video tape yourself saying the above definition out loud and watch the tape. You will find that you are an excellent potty mouth.) ★ Someone who texts or talks while they're on the john.
224: "Crotch-Bite" ★ When a girl's pants are so tight they ride up in the front. See camel toe.
225: "Sometimey" ★ An adjective used to describe someone who only wants to know you when they want something - other than that you never hear from them.
226: "Secret Buttholez" ★ ???
227: "Tree Huggin Peace Lovin Fuck" ★ A noun, three adjectives and another noun. ✌
228: "Pipe in" ★ To suddenly interrupt people while in the midst of conversation, usually pre-meditated. (could not find "pipe in" at UrbanDictionary.Com, this is the definition for "chimed in")
229: "Shenanigans" ★ Deception or tomfoolery on the part of carnival stand operators.
230: "CC-5 +1" ★ = ♡ and ❀ and ☯ and ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶ and ☮ PLUS ☆
231: "2nd Opinion" ★ Everybody has one (like an asshole), this is when you have a 2nd hole surgically inserted into your ass.
232: "Daggum" ★ Exclamatory word used to show intense emotion. Also used as a substitution for the word "damn."
233: "Halibut" I figured I needed to clarify "Halibut" for the helluvit!) ★ A fish, obviously.... ★ replaces the word "hell" in "Hell of it".
234: "Studders" ★ All I can say is: ㋡.
235: "Gobbly Gook" ★ No definition found for "gobbly gook", BUT "gobbly" is defined as "to sound like a turkey" and "gook" is possibly Vietnamese for Shit... ★ If we imagine up a definition, my contribution would be a sloppy, slobby, discombobulated mess of POOP!
236: "Bee's Knee's" ★ An old term that means cool; ★ OR An Australian beer drunk mostly by backpackers; ★ possibe Origin of the term & Geico Gecko
237: "Pro'lly" ★ Jill's word for "probably". (I apologize if my taking liberty to add some words is over stepping my bounds as a "NON-ALUMNI", but EFF you, I'm ᵀᴴᴱ effin' Self- Appointed Official List Secretary and the Dynamic Accountability Asst.!!!) (I wrote this when I was mad at Rich! AH HA HA HA HA!)
238: "Lub" ★ A simple, cutesy and flirty word between Like, Luv and Love.
239: "Alligator Fuckhouse" ★ A daring sexual maneuver: Mid-coitus, one person bites the neck of the other, locks their arms and legs down and goes into a death roll, all while maintaining insertion. Like downshifting a car!
240: "Dirty Sanchez" ★ is commonly confused with his first cousin "Dirty Rodruigez"
241: "From Here Forth" ★ A discombobulated way of saying "Hereby", which means: By virtue of this act, decree, bulletin, or document; by this means.
242: "Fruitly" ★ HA HA HA! Jen said "Fruitly Drinks"!!! ★ "Fruitly" has not yet been defined at UrbanDictionary.Com, BUT check THIS out!!!
243: "FB Challenged" ★ Having three separate message threads going because your "Straight list" is too long to send a single message to all.
244: "SMURFING" ★ The act of hitting someone across the face with one's penis; ★ I say it is DANCING SMURF STYLE!!!
245: "Crunniest" ★ Creepy yet funny. (Stenztel's creation.)
246: "Big Wanker" ★ What Jen is!
247: "Knob Slobber"(also "Knob") ★ What Dickweena is!
248: "Horse's Assery" ★ Term used by Jack McFarland (Sean Hayes) on the T.V. show Will and Grace. "Assery" is defined as: rubbing your ass on someone. I'd say this phrase suggests rubbing a horse's ass on someone.
249: "CRACK-A-LACKIN!!!" ★ Said by "Marty" of Madagascar, A.K.A. Chris Rock) ★ & said by Snoop Dogg on a recent appearance on Conan O''Brian. (antonym= "Lackin-the-Crackin")
250: "Mad-Ugly" ★ Hasn't defined in the UrbanDictionary.Com but, "Make-You-Mad Ugly" is: A slang term used mostly by men to describe a very unattractive woman.
251: "Wicked-sorry" ★ Wicked- New England slang that adds emphasis. (REALLLLLLY SORRRRRRY!)
252: "Fugly Amputated" ★ So mashed its like you have no limbs left & it's fucking ugly(without using profanity).
253: "Ins and Outs" & "Goings On" ★ Details; Complicated details & Things that are happening; Distractions. "Ins and Outs" & Distraction
254: "NAZER style" ★ Based on a guy name Abunazer at Jenatailya's work who fell asleep in his chair and when she heard a loud bang, she looked out of her office and saw him laying on the ground with his legs up in the air and the little wheels on the chair were still turning... she effin lost it! BLOOPERS
255: "Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha" ★ Quasi-evil laughter.
256: "Crikeeeeeeeee" ("Crykey") ★ An Australian exclamation of surprise or bewilderment. Interchangeable with words such as "Blimey" or "Struth". Made famous by our champion crocodile hugger, Steve Erwin. (Equivalent to "WOW!")
257: "Department of the Obvious" ★ The governmental department started by Buddha.
258: "Manipulated" ★ Said of something which has been "photoshopped".
259: "Jenatailya was in the bathroom when she slipped and impailed herself on her douche nozzle" ★ David B Thompson
259: "Brick in the Teeth" ★ When morning hits Rich like a brick in the teeth on a cold.
260: "No Show" ★ A person who signs up or talks about attending certain events, but never shows up.
261: "Neckin It Up" ★ As in red neckin at Monster Jam. RED NECK EFFER!
262: "Sexy Bitches!!!" ★
263: "Rednekker" ★ Short form of "Red Neck Effer".
264: "Without Incident" ★ Jill made it through the weekend of March 6 & 7, 2010 without incident! :) YAY!!! And, Leslie Seth Schilling-Carroll said "without incident" is on the list! HA HA HA HA
266: "Multitask" ★ When is the only time a guy can multitask?
267: "Snockered" ★ To drink until vision and sight are impaired and all feeling has left one's body resulting in the "snockered" individual engaging in life-threatening or stupid activities, i.e. sledding, climbing school rooftops, flirting with girls half your age...
268: "Rescinded" ★ Withdraw or repeal; made void.
269: "Glutton for Punishment" ★ Someone who is just asking for "it".
270: "Jen is a Frag Queen"
271: "HMMPH" ★ what Jill says when she feels Jenn, Leslie, and Rich are ignoring her... or at least talking to everybody else, but her!!! :P
272: "Skirt the Issue" ★ Not addressing the issue at hand head on (kinda like a politician).
273: "Rhetoric" ★ The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.
274: "Assplug" ★ An anal dilator; ★ This is a dowel inserted in the anus in order to dilate it so it becomes more adequate for anal intercourse. According to some sources, it was very common in the 18th century.
275: "Melodramatic" ★ The act of remaining mellow in front of a dramatic person or experience.
276: "Shucks" ★ Quite a few definitions: AWW POOP!
277: "Dickwad" ★ A worthless piece of shit. Also known as a wad-of-dick.
278: "Manpanion" ★ A male companion; ★ A term used to categorize a male friend with an ambiguous characterization of sexual orientation; ★ A term used to describe a homosexual companion, while remaining free of commitment.
279: "Dagnabit" ★ A rather nice alternative to "Damn!"
280: "Eye Caaaaaaaandy" ★ Any plump butted beautiful species bald or hairy (i.e. Taylor Lautner a.k.a. Jacob Black) YUMMY!!!!
281: "Peterbilt" ★ The brand of big rig that Jill refuses to be run over by today (Sunday, March 28th, 2010).
282: "Yanks My Chain" ★ What Edward and Jacob do for the Corny Copia Women! :D
283: "On Point" ★ Up to par...ready to perform at best...ready to get down to business.
284: "Precancerous Freckling" ★
285: "Blocking Blood Relatives" ★
286: "Umph" ★
287: "Beeble" ★ Jen's new word for hineys.
288: "Crick" ★
289: "Trollip" ★
290: "I did the effin phone thing again!" ★ Jill the white butt cell phone Murphy.
291: "Queet ur Beetchin" ★
292: "Back Atcha" ★ LeLe' Schilling-Carroll always hated it when Jen Schilling-Morris said it.
293: "Sappy Quota for the Day" ★
294: "Trackin' Comments" ★ (a.k.a "Trackster")
323: "Nugget of Information" ★

(Posted on FB Monday, January 11, 2010 at 10:01pm)
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