"Political FACTS: Which president produced:
1. The highest growth in the gross domestic product?
2. The highest growth in jobs?
3. The biggest increase in personal disposable income after taxes?
4. The highest growth in industrial production?
5. The highest growth in hourly wages?
6. The lowest Misery Index (inflation plus unemployment)?
7. The lowest inflation?
8. The largest reduction in the deficit?
The answers:
1. Harry Truman
2. Bill Clinton
3. Lyndon Johnson
4. John F. Kennedy
5. Johnson
6. Truman
7. Truman
8. Clinton.
In the Economic Sweepstakes, Democratic presidents trounce Republicans eight times out of eight!
Hmmmmmm How bout' them apples?"
"American success and a President’s success are not always synonymous."
"To the contrary, a Presidential failure can often benefit America, and a Presidential success can often harm America.
History illustrates that a Presidential success and American welfare can sometimes be very different things.
i.e., Woodrow Wilson’s failed attempt to include the United States in the infamous League of Nations, which merely served to disarm democratic nations while sitting idle as Hitler militarized.... Lyndon Johnson successfully implemented his “Great Society” agenda upon America, and the results have proven largely disastrous. Forty years later, the Great Society’s primary legacy has been one of bloated federal bureaucracy, deteriorating public schools, a tragic vicious cycle of underclass dependency and spiraling and unsustainable entitlement programs.....
The centerpiece of Clinton’s agenda was massive governmental healthcare overhaul, derisively known as “Hillarycare”. That secretive effort would have bureaucratized the healthcare industry by expanding governmental coercion and dictating a one-size-fits-all system. Clinton’s healthcare plan would also have rationed services, thereby creating the chronic shortages and waiting periods seen in other nations that have socialized medicine....
Clinton vetoed welfare reform legislation three times before finally having it shoved down his throat. And the budget surplus? That didn’t occur until 1998 – four years after the Contract with America and Republican takeover of Congress....
Obama's agenda includes the same socialization of the healthcare industry, abolition of the secret ballot in union elections that will cost 600,000 American jobs in the first year alone, imposition of over $1 trillion in new carbon taxes upon American industry, censorship of political speech via the “Fairness Doctrine,” a tripling of the national debt in ten years and submission of American sovereignty to international authorities and the United Nations.
The only valid, sensible way to judge a president involves an evaluation of whether the nation thrived or suffered under his leadership. Cited from townhall.com/
We all have our individual opinions and thank God we are still entitled to believe what we want!

(Posted on FB Monday, November 9, 2009 at 6:28pm)
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