-I'm NOT coffee!
2. What are 5 words that best describes you?
#1 & #2 "Smart ass" #3 "affectionate" #4 "tattooed" #5 "goofy"
3. Which has been your happiest moment in life?
approx. 11:30 AM on October 22, 1997
4. If told that this is your last day on earth, how would you spend it?
-Ride an elephant with my daughter, Mikayla; Take her to an amusement park & ride ALL of the roller coasters & water rides; Write ALL of my loved ones meaningful letters; And, make sure the plans I've made for Mikayla are going to happen! Plus, I want to SKY DIVE!!!!
5. Rate all your friends on the basis of their sense of humor on a scale of ten.
10 - LeeLee
10 - Nick
10 - Rich
10 - Hayden
7 - Suellen (MUAH HA HA!!!) just kidding
10 - Jack
10 - Scott Pitts
10 - Chris
10 - Jeff
10 - Stephen
10 - Matt (maybe)
6. If you were granted three wishes, what would you ask for?
wish # 1: for Mikayla to have everything she needs & a lot of what she wants!
wish # 2: for my parents to have everything they need & a lot of what they want!
and, wish # 3: for Me to have everything I need & a lot of what I want!
7. Name one annoying habit of any of your friends’, which you would really like to change!
-he (Not a friend on FB) calls me every f****** day!!! I really want him to NOT call me every single day!!!
8. Name one quality that you absolutely adore in your friends.
I agree with Suellen, a Sense of Humor is what I love the most in my friends!
9. What has been your best-kept secret till date? (This is perhaps the best one! You’ll be amazed at the things people have been hiding!)
I haven't been able to keep a secret... so don't tell me anything! Ha Ha Ha (just kidding)
10. Which is your most cherished childhood memory?
Dancing around the living room while my daddy made home-movies. I was "Flitterbug"!
11. Which is your most favorite place in this earth?
I haven't been there yet, but I know it's going to be Australia!
12. If you were stranded on a lonely beach, what are the five things that you would want to survive?
-a PUR water purifier
-several different kinds of vegetable seeds
-a solar powered computer laptop (OR endless roll of TOILET PAPER!!!!)
-protection from the elements
-a vibrator & lots of AA batteries! LOL
13. Name 2 things you do everyday.
-watch TV
-sleep (unless I have drank too much coffee)
14. Name 2 things you will try to accomplish within the next 6 months
-go back to church
-complete training at my Dad's company & work
15. What makes you relax?
listening to the electonica music channel on Comcast On Demand while I sleep, Jigsaw Sudoku, Facebook, Jim Beam & Dr. Pepper

(Posted on FB Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 12:05am)
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