I've had several people ask me the significance of the date 9-9-09 and what to expect. Wednesday will be an exciting day to renew yourself!
Numerology dates back to the most ancient of civilizations and there is a significant "energy" around numbers. Pythagoras felt that the universe could be expressed numerically, and he was right! Numbers are everywhere to give us a measurement of where we stand to where we want to be or how far we have to go.
So what is 9-9-09?
Nine represents "endings." It's the end of the line before we begin again and every ending is a new beginning and any New Beginning cannot start with out an ending of some sort!
Ask yourself; "What have I been doing over and over again and not really getting anywhere?" Take stock of your Life situations. What is working in your life and what is NOT working in your life? Is it time to do away with certain things you just can't get off the ground? It isn't about giving up - and there is a great advantage (and lesson) with persistence - but when is it time to move on?
Is there an old relationship you are holding on to?
What about blaming a family member for some grievous behavior?
Move into the Present Moment and live fully from this moment forward! The past is the past - let go and forgive. Only through forgiveness can you be free from the pain of the past.
In this economy I know many people are looking for jobs. Perhaps it's time to review your personal goals and see if they match the job you are looking for. Maybe it's time to look in a new direction! Take a chance to truly fulfill your Soul -
Ask the Universe for the job that best suits, not just what you know and what you've done in the past, but what you really are good at and love doing!
9-9-09 is a great time to look at your addictions, without judgment, take a breath and say "Enough." And addictions can be ANYTHING! From nicotine, alcohol, drugs or food to Facebook, Blackberries, TV or gossip.
Go for it - the time has never been better. 9-9-09 is not giving you permission to shirk your duties, but to take a "reality check" on the levels of joy in your life and to move boldly away from what's not working into the Universal Flow of Abundance!
I affirm to the Universe today;
I truly live in the Light of a joyous Life.
I release myself from self-doubt
and the pain of the past.
I forgive and I am free.
I let go of all addictions and negative
behaviors this moment - this day.
Today and everyday I end the long and futile searching - the struggle from day to day and I choose to lift my face into the Light of a new, joyful, prosperous and loving beginning.
I let go - I forgive. I am free.
And so it is!
source: Don Simmons at www.TheMysticPath.com (I received this in an email from my cousin & dear friend, Francis AKA Lee Lee)
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