I am happy right now & was happy all day long! I like to think I helped to make the people around me happy. I was friendly at work and patient with my daughter. I smiled at everyone, I laughed with a few & made a few laugh, etc... ...OH! And, on top of all that... ...I got to eat BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!! :o]
Turning 39 is not such a big deal as is BEING ALIVE at 39! I am blessed in so many ways, but most importantly, I am blessed by so many people in my life!
Thank you, my friends, for thinking of me today! Love, Jill Byrne :o)

(Posted on FB Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 11:41pm)
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FB Comments
Tony T.: I thank you my friend, and i also wish you many happy years to come,in life we are only human, to have a friend from so far away is an pleasure. Live your life how you want too, not how others wish you too....Take care and god speed. X
Kathy B.-A.: You made me smile, Jill. Being ALIVE at 39 is indeed a good thing, especially when being alive means more than just not being dead, but truly living each day with purpose and joy. The picture above shows joy. Live on, girl!
JillByrne ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: Thank You Tony & Kathy! No matter how "screwed up" my days have been & can be, what it boils down to is: I only have myself to make the most, or least, of my days! It's up to me (and God) to make sure I LIVE instead of just live. Having friends & family to share life with makes me EXTRA happy !!!!
Kathy B.-A.: Here's a Christian website that I love. I subscribe to the daily devotions that help me live my life better.
JillByrne ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: Where?
Kathy B.-A.: Oops, guess it woulda helped if I'd pasted it in.... www.proverbs31.org
Chris F.: Cheers and wishing you a happy 40+ more :)
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Rich M.: This is an AWESOME picture!
JillByrne ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: I just took it! With the timer! LOL Thank you!
Rich M.: I heart timers.
JillByrne ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: hee hee I'm sure they heart you, too!
Rich M.: I heart Butters, too.
JillByrne ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: I heart woman drummers! LOL
JillByrne ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: Ya know what my t-shirt says? "It's your LUCKY day" (with the Lucky Charms leprechaun)!
Vanessa Van L.P.: I am so glad you had a great Birthday.
Tammy T.S.: I know exactly what you mean. Every day is a gift and we are lucky to have them! Keep smiling and making everyone around you smile too. I am so GLAD you had such a special Day and you WILL have many more. Tammy
John S.: I know what you mean Jill.. each day we don't wake up dead is one to celebrate ... revel (sp) in life :) and enjoy mi'lady :)
Janine L.: happy birthday jill..sorry i am late!!
JillByrne ˚͜˚ SmartypantsMurphy: That's okay, Thank you! I am appreciative you thought of me!!!
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