- Age: 39
- Annoyance: when Mikayla won't take NO! for an answer, when I drop shit, people who drive slow in the fast lane, people who tailgate, people who don't use their turn signal, people who pull out in front of me and then don't speed up ...oh, heck with it, most people who drive when I am on the road! LOL
- Animal: Elephant
- Actor: Liam Neeson
- Birthday/Birthplace: March 12th, 1970 at Georgetown Univ. Hosp. in Washington D.C.
- Best Friend: :o(
- Body Part on opposite sex: smile
- Blind or Deaf: neither!
- Best weather: Springtime... sun shining & slight puffs of wind with the smell of blooming flowers in the air!
- Been in Love: I thought so. I hope I am again!
- Been bitched out?: I can't remember, but I'm sure I have been
- Been on stage?: gawd! Don't remind me! LOL
- Believe in yourself?: OF COURSE! But what does this phrase really mean???
- Believe in life on other planets: I think maybe... plant life at the least
- Believe in miracles: I'm one!
- Believe in Magic: most magic (to me) is just slight of the hand tricks
- Believe in God: YES!
- Believe in Satan: yes
- Believe in Santa: if he's in your heart, he is real to me (that's what I tell Mikayla)
- Believe in Ghosts: no
- Believe in Evolution: I believe in Creation & evolution (but not the same way most do)
- Car: P.O.S.
- Candy: dark chocolate (just like Suellen) & chocolate with Peanut Butter
- Color: PURPLE!!!
- Cried in school: ALL the frickin' time!
- Chocolate/Vanilla?: strawberry
- Chinese/Mexican: American with a little Irish in me! LOL
- Cake or pie: Icing!
- Country to visit: AUSTRALIA
- Day or Night: never thought about it really, but I'd have to say "Day", if I had to choose. It would be too depressing if it were night all the time! LOL
- Dream vehicle: little red corvette
- Danced: I LOVE to!!!
- Dance in the rain?: I have when I was a child
- Do the splits?: depends on how flexible I feel... right now, NO!
- Distractable?: oh ho ho... very!
- Eggs: I love to scramble 'em up & melt CHEESE in 'em & eat with toast
- Eyes: green (or blue) (or maybe, green) IDK
- Everyone has to: fart sooner or later
- Ever failed a class?: yes :-( (can you believe it?)
- First crush: Shane Hanover in 3rd grade
- Full name: "Destiny Tickleleather" hehe
- First thoughts waking up: "What time is it? Did I oversleep?", "I gotta PEE! I gotta PEE! I gotta PEE!", & " MAN! I wish I had remembered to program the coffee maker last night!"
- Food: Mexicano! (!Viva las chimichangas!)
- Greatest Fear: that something bad (God forbid) should ever happen to Mikayla & that my son will never want to meet me!
- Giver or taker: I give a lot & try to take only what I need
- Gum: can't chew gum, my TMJ
- Get along with your parents?: Daddy- greatly! Mom- we have our moments
- Good luck charm: I have none
- Hair Color: dirty blond (but right now it's kinda 2 tone -bleach job is growing out)
- Height: 5'7"
- Happy: most of the time!
- Holiday: what did I put here in my last "A to Z" note? Well, I should have put Mikayla's birthday!
- How do you want to die: if I must, I hope it was in my sleep
- Health freak?: I kinda wish I was more of one
- Hate: right now, this tab switching to the last thing I just browsed in another tab... I keep losing everything that I typed since I last saved it! Also, dropping things really ticks me off! Oh, & drivers who drive slow in the passing lane, drivers who don't use turn signals, drivers who pull out in front of me, drivers who tailgate me, oh the heck with it! Any other driver who is on the road when I am driving! LOL
- Ice Cream: Purity Dairy's "Extreme Moose Tracks"
- Instrument: I played the Violin in grade school until my Mom broke down & let me quit after I hounded her over & over again. I wish I hadn't quit it though, I would probably be a very good violinist today (possibly even play a fiddle in a cool girl band like the Dixie Chicks)!
- Jewelry: Claddaugh ring on my right hand & tragus ring in my left ear
- Job: part time cashier & full time MOM
- Kids: 2
- Kickboxing or karate: I have done neither, but have considered Martial Arts
- Keep a journal?: I never leave home with my spiral notebook! I write all kinds of stuff in it. Mostly, I use it to help me remember stuff. (stupid head injury!)
- Longest Car Ride: Abilene, TX to Malvern, PA back in 1993 (for 2 reasons, distance + sadness)
- Love: My daughter, my son, my Dad & Mom & little brothers, & my coonhound, Hannah
- Letter: "B"
- Laughed so hard you cried: I have. I have also laughed so hard I P'd my pants once! And, even let a fart slip out! LOL TMI???
- Love at first sight: no
- Milk flavor: 2% Chocolate
- Movie: "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension"
- Mooned anyone?: Yes, on purpose and by accident!
- Marriage: 6 years (1 happy +5 miserable)
- Motion sickness?: if I had too much to drink, which hasn't happened in years!!!
- McD’s or BK: YUCK!
- Number of Siblings: 2
- Number of Piercings: Only 1 right now that is occupied by jewelry... but I have 16 holes from where piercings were made
- Number: 8 (I like the shape! It's a PHAT feminine shape) & if you turn it sideways, it looks like the infinity symbol
- Overused Phrases: "DAMMIT! Mikayla, COME ON!!!"
- One wish: to have my body back from my 20's!!!!
- One phobia: none really that I can think of
- Place you’d like to live: in Australia or in a tree house with all the amenities of a regular house
- Perfect Pizza: any pizza from back home (up North) would be perfect for me! They make lousy pizza AND cheese steaks down here!
- Pepsi/Coke: Wild Cherry Pepsi
- Quail: huh?
- Questionnaires: I like doing this kind, cause it helps me stay out of my head... if that makes any sense at all! ????
- Reason to cry: death at a young age (for example: Natasha Richardson, wife of Liam Neeson)
- Reality T.V.: ONLY Tattoo shows (in my opinion, all others are stupid!)
- Radio Station: Jack FM & 102.9 the BUZZ
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: Yes! And, I can touch my tongue to my nose, too!
- Song: I'm digging "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga lately
- Shoe size: 11 or even 12 sometimes (pain in the ass to find)
- Salad Dressing: Caesar
- Sushi: You couldn't make me, well... if you gave me $ (but it would have to be more than a thousand $)
- Skipped school: sometimes
- Slept outside: is this the same thing as camping? I ♥ Camping!
- Seen a dead body?: yes, oh... you mean a real, LIVE dead body? LOL! still yes.
- Smoked?: I'm trying to want to quit. I am almost there... I'm wanting to want to! Cigarettes, that is!
- Skinny dipped?: many times
- Shower daily?: pretty much. But, there's just some days I don't feel like it. Those are BAD days! (& not just cuz I smell funky!)
- Sing well?: nobody else thinks so
- Stuffed Animals?: I have one or two, but Mikayla has way TOO MANY!
- Single/Group dates: I have never thought about it
- Strawberries/Blueberries: How come nobody ever asks about Bananas?
- Scientists need to invent: a cure for cancer. (I agree with Suellen!)
- Time for bed: whenever I feel like I can't keep my eyes open any longer.
- Thunderstorms: I enjoy them (if I am inside somewhere)
- TV: I have too many favorites. I would freak if my cable was disconnected!
- Touch your tongue to your nose?: You bet I can! (I am somewhat proud of this!)
- Unpredictable: I like to think I am more of a spontaneous type, but I can be a "creature of habit".
- Vegetable you hate: I will eat any veggie, but I don't really care for tomatoes.
- Vegetable you love: I will eat any veggie, but I don't really love any either.
- Vacation spot: Alaskan cruise would be cool!
- Weakness: my ability to be gullible
- When you grow up: I want to be
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Steve K.
- Who makes you laugh the most: Suellen, Matt, Steve K., & the TV
- Worst feeling: loneliness... feeling "disconnected"
- Wanted to be a model?: never
- Where do we go when we die: our bodies go into the ground, or burned up in a crematorium, or into an urn, or sprinkled somewhere "special", or... And, I believe our souls wait til the end of LIFE as a whole, then we either go to Heaven or Hell. (That's what I think, but please don't feel like I am trying to push those beliefs on you... I avoid talking about religion & politics as best I can. But, I also answer questions as truthfully and honestly as I can. So, that's why I answered this Q this way)
- Worst weather: hurricanes
-X-Rays: to quote a very good friend of mine, "Too many to list; besides, we've been over this." :o)
-Year it is now: 2009 -DUH!
-Yellow: "Lello" I will always think of this whenever I hear the word "yellow". It was what Mikayla called it when she was learning how to talk! :o)
- Zoo animal: Poonya
- Zodiac sign: Pisces Dog

(Posted on FB Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 8:59pm)
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