Saturday, April 3, 2010

Friends (another FB game)

Go through your wall posts and list the last twenty-one people to post on your wall. Do not list any repeats; simply go to the next name in the list. Then, answer the forty-two questions pertaining the twenty-one names. When you're finished, tag all twenty-one in the list, so the cycle can continue. If you've been tagged, copy and paste this information into a new note, and follow the directions above

1. Scott L.
2. Suellen R.
3. Tracy M.-D
4. Monica Jill M.
5. Rich M.
6. Matt I.
7. Melissa W.-G.
8. Tammy R S.
9. Warren E.
10.Frances Lee Byrne B.
11.John C.
12.Tara Kern S.
13.Sharon E.
14.Shelly M.
15.Sally B.
16.Kelly M.
17.Vanessa Van L.-P.
18.Nick L.
19. Ingrid D.-L.
20.Karen R.-B.
21.Jenifer S.-M.

1 How did you meet 1?
at the "concentration camp in Springfield, VA"

2. What would you do if you never met 19?
I wouldn't know if we hadn't met.

3. What would you do if you dated 15?
I guess that would either make me a guy or a lesbian if I ever dated Sally!

4. Have you ever seen 8 cry?

5. Would 3 and 13 make a good couple?
If they were lesbians, then probably!

6. Describe 21.
I knew her back in '86.

7. Do you like 6?
A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!

8. Do you think 4 is attractive?

9. When was the last time you talked to 9?
a week or so ago

10. Would you ever kill 15?
Now, again, I would have to be a lesbian first!

11. Where does 18 live?
PA. Lancaster I think

12. What is the best thing about 12?
She is a very sweet person & deserves only the best!

13. What would you like to tell 8 right now?
That I hope we will actually get to meet when I am up her way this summer.

14. What is the best thing about 10?
She is a wonderful, loving woman who reaches out to people & who allows others into her life.

15. Have you ever kissed 11?

16. What’s the best memory you have of 3?
That she was actually a good friend way back when we were in grade school!

17. When is the next time you’re gonna see 16?
I have no earthly idea!

18. Is 5 pretty?
Can a guy be "pretty"? No offense Rich!

19. What was your first impression of 17?
I didn't like her cuz she wasn't in "my crowd". No offense to you either Vanessa!

20. Is 13 a good friend?
yes & I miss her. I am glad we found each other on FB!

21. Have you seen 21 in the last month?
No, not for many, many years.

23. Have you been to 2’s house?
I don't think so. Have I Suellen?

24. When’s the next time you’ll see 1?

25. Are you really close to 7?
sadly, no.

26. Would you give 12 a hug?

28. Do you know a secret about 20?
no, I do not

29. Describe the relationship between 20 and 9.
complete strangers

30. What’s your friendship like with 5?
I like him, he's a real good guy!

31. Have you ever danced with 13?
no, we weren't allowed to dance when I saw her last!

32. How do you know 6?
We have been talking on the phone everyday! He found me here on FB through a mutual friend!

33. Does 16 have a bf/gf?

34. Have you ever wanted to punch 4 in the face?

35. Has 11 met your mother?
no, probably never will.

36. Have you traveled anywhere with 10?
Not yet, but we're going to!

37. If you gave 7 $100, what would they spend it on?
Probably Tattoos

38. What is your best memory of 2?
My memory has been greatly destroyed since I knew her!

39. What is the one thing you most want 14 to know?
I love her "look"!

40. What was the last thing you did with 19?
I don't think we ever did anything together, unless she was in Girl Scouts with me. ????

41. When did you meet 17?
High School

42. What do you like least about 18?
Absolutely nothing! He's a great guy!

(Posted on FB Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at 6:40pm)

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