1) Last beverage--- 11:21PM CST & I am still drinkin' a cup of coffee!
2) Last phone call--- just talked with my new friend, Matt, for half an hour! I can't believe that... Cuz I abhor talking on the phone really.
3) Last text message--- from Matt (why not?)
4) Last song you listened to--- Jim Croce's Time in a Bottle with my daughter on the way home from swim practice.
5) last time you cried--- I use to be such a cry baby! But, now, not so much! I can't remember the last time. I definitely remember crying in Mrs. Debolt's 3rd grade class! At the end of the year, she passed awards to everyone & she gave me "The Cry Baby Award". This made me cry hard, cuz it really hurt my feelings! This could have scarred me for life!
6) Dated someone twice --- does this mean go out with someone on more than 2 dates? Nah, I use 'em & lose 'em! (I'm JUST KIDDING!) But, I don't think I have dated the same guy again after breakin up with him the first time.
7) Been cheated on? --- Yes! By my ex-boyfriend (You know who you are!) And, by my ex-girlfriend (You know who you are too!)
101) WAIT A MINUTE! YOU FORGOT A QUESTION HERE SUELLEN! Have you ever cheated on someone? Yes. My x-girlfriend (I just couldn't stay away from guys!)
8) Kissed someone & regretted it? --- Nah! I learn something every time. Sometimes, I just learn NOT to kiss him ever again!
9) Lost someone special?--- Oh yeah!
10) Been depressed?--- Yup! Sometimes my medication helps with this & sometimes it's not worth a crap!
11) Been drunk and threw up? --- In High School, I did. It was gross!
...who's? Mine?
14) BLUE
16) Made new friends---When? Lately, sure have! I make new friends every day!!! I'm just that kind of person!
17) Fallen out of love --- Unfortunately (for him) YES!
18) Laughed until you cried --- YES, I've even laughed until I pee'd my pants! Oops! Did I say that?
19) Met someone who changed you --- Just my mom & dad, but that was when I was a baby. Oh! You don't mean in a literal, physical sense! Then, sure!
20) Found out who your true friends were --- I think so! I certainly know the ones are who are NOT!
21) Found out someone was talking about you ---Yes. But, I think someone talks about me everyday, my ears itch a lot!
22) How many people on your friends list do you know in real life --- >approximately 95% if you mean real life to be actually met & knew in person. But, I'm not exactly sure, math is not my strong point!
23) How many kids do you want to have- I want one more, but I can't have anymore. :-(
24) Do you have any pets --- 1 dog, 1 guinea pig, & what seems like about a hundred fish! We have a 55 gallon tank & a 10 gallon...those "convicts" (cichlids) keep reproducing!!! (Pictures attached)
25) Do you want to change your name--- Never again!!!! I'm keeping MURPHY til the day I die! If, by chance I ever marry again, he's gonna have to change his name!
26) What did you do for your last birthday? Mom & Dad came down all the way from PA & took me out to dinner. (I'm special!)
27) What time did you wake up today --- 6 AM, hit snooze, 6:07, hit snooze, 6:14, hit snooze, finally got up about 6:40 AM
28) What were you doing at midnight last night-- Watching something on Direct TV & running a load of clothes in the washer.
29) Name something you CANNOT wait for --- To get my elephant tattoo on my back! And, my tax return too! But, I promise not to use that money for my tattoo! Cross my heart!
30) Last time you saw your father--- Two months ago
31) What is one thing you wish you could change about your life -- I want to get off Dis. & finally start a career!
32) What are you listening to right now --- The buzzing of the ceiling fan.
33) Have you ever talked to a person named Tom --- Yes, have YOU ever talked to a person named Mot?
34) What's getting on your nerves right now? The buzz of the ceiling fan!
35) Most visited webpage --- Facebook (me) & Disney (Mikayla)
36) full name: uh! Jill Byrne Murphy!
37) Nicknames--- none anymore, unless "loose screws" counts as a nickname? That's what my boss calls me... he actually has a few names for me! I am pretty silly!
38) Relationship Status --- Happily divorced. And, anxious to "play the field"!
39) Zodiac sign --- Pisces/Dog
40) Male or female or transgendered--- WHAT!??? I am FEMALE, but for a few years when I was a child, I thought I was a boy. It wasn't until I was 7, when a friend took me into my granny's bathroom & showed me what made him a boy & why I wasn't one! I came out crying because I didn't have one! Penis envy???
41) Elementary--- Hayfield in VA & K.D. Markley in PA
42) Middle School --- General Wayne
43) High school --- Great Valley
44) Hair color --- right now, it's dirty blonde at the roots & platinum growing out.
45) Long or short --- NOT growing fast enough!!!!!!!
46) Height --- 5'7"
47) Do you have a crush on someone? --- maybe! That's for me to know...
48) What do you like about yourself? -- My bubbliness! And, my tattoos!
49) Piercings --- just in my tragus now
50) Tattoos --- 15 (I think)
51) Righty or lefty --- Right (but this one made me laugh... I have a dirty mind!)
52) First surgery --- Appendectomy at 14
53) First piercing --- Ears at 14
54) First best friends- Debbie Anders (BUT, she won't accept my request to be FB friends -WHAT'S UP WITH THAT???)
55) First sport you joined--- Softball
56) First pet --- goldfish I won at a school fair. I had it for 1 day. The night I brought it home, my little brothers got up in the middle of the night and decided it needed a bath! We found a dead fish with lots of soap bubbles in the bowl the next morning.
57) First vacation--- I think it might have been camping somewhere in VA.
58) First concert --- ACDC
59) First crush --- Shaun Cassidy
60) Eating --- nothing
61) Drinking --- coffee at midnight! I am going to sleep right after I finish writing this! I have to get up & hit SNOOZE til 6:40 AM!
62) I'm about to --- squash this cigarette and get off of the computer!
63) Listening to --- still, the fan buzzing (I've grown accustomed to it now).
64) Waiting for: the summer to get here! I am SO looking forward to going back to PA!
65) Want kids? --- I SAID earlier, I CAN'T HAVE ANYMORE!!!
66) Want to get married? --- Not again, not at this point in my life.
67) Careers in mind? --- Teaching Art
68) Lips or eyes --- butts!
69) Hugs or kisses --- kisses if they're NOT all wet & sloppy! Hugs if they are!
70) Shorter or taller --- taller!
71) Older or Younger --- yes
72) Romantic or spontaneous --- spontaneous
73) Nice stomach or nice arms --- butt!
74) Sensitive or loud -- sensitive & outspoken
75) Hook-up or relationship --- relationship, but I'd be happy with a hook-up for now.
you forgot 76!
77) Trouble maker or hesitant --- Definitely trouble maker! Just not trouble for me!
78) Kissed a stranger--- yes
79) Drank hard liquor ---yes & smoked weed & dropped acid & so forth & so on! BUT, NOT anymore!!!!
80) Lost glasses/contacts --- my dog chewed up my prescription glasses when she was a puppy & I had to pay $700 to get a new pair! Well, not me, my dad did! Thanks Daddy!
81) Sex on first date --- yes
82) Broken someone's heart ---yes
83) Had your own heart broken--- Yes
you forgot 84 too!
85) Been arrested --- yes
86) Turned someone down --- yes
87) Cried when someone died --- Yes
88) Liked a friend that is a girl? -- yes
89) Yourself --- yes
90) Miracles --- I'm a miracle if you have seen the pictures of the car I wrecked in 1989!
91) Love at first sight ---NO! Lust at first sight- yes.
92) Heaven --- you bet!
93) Santa Claus --- He's in my heart, at least that's what I keep telling Mikayla whenever she asks!
OMG! you forgot 94 too!
95) Kiss on the first date? --- ALLOVER!
96) Angels --- Yes
97) Is there one person you want to be with right now? -- yes
98) Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? --- yes (& had one of each at the same time 2)!
WHERE is 99????
100) Posting this as 100 Truths? --- as a title, no... is it all true? yes

A zebra striped Convict Cichlid.

A pink Convict Cichlid.
(Posted on FB Friday, February 27, 2009 at 12:39am)
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