Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ONE Question (another FB game)

Now, here's what you're supposed to do...and please do not spoil the fun. Start a new note, delete my answers and put in your own. Tag all your friends and tell them to tag you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known things about each other.

Three Names I go by
1. Mom
2. "loody Co-lo" (Mikayla likes to call me this -it's a pokemon & I'm not sure how to spell it)
3. Jill Byrne (only by my Dad)

Three Jobs I have had in my life
1. cashier
2. pizza delivery
3. nut inspector (NO! Seriously! The kind that screw onto BOLTS! I checked them for cracks)

Three Places I have lived
1. Alexandria, VA
2. Abilene, TX
3. Malvern, PA

Three TV Shows that I watch
1. Star Gate (both SG-1 & Atlantis)
2. Lie To ME
3. L.A. INK

Three places I have been
1. the Bahamas
2. Quebec, Canada
3. Texas

People that e-mail me regularly
1. Daddy
2. Frances
3. Mikayla's school

Three of my favorite foods
1. Chicken quesadillas
2. Cheese steaks
3. Baked Ziti

Three things I would like to do
1. clean my house!!!!!!
2. get more tattoos!!!!
3. get off of Permanent Disability

Three friends I think will respond
1. "No"
2. "earthly"
3. & "Clue"

Things I am looking forward to
1. right now, going to the bathroom
2. finally getting in touch with Moira Burrows!
3. getting a new car (but when, I DON'T KNOW!)

(Posted on FB Friday, February 20, 2009 at 10:37am)

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