Tuesday, April 6, 2010

25 Random Things(I've done this several times already, but I'll do it again cuz I like talk about myself) LOL (FB game AGAIN)

Rules: come up with 25 random things then tag 25 random people remember if you have been tagged by me to tag me .. I did this because I want to know more about you.

1) I drink an average of 2.5 pots of coffee in a day. From morning all the way til right before bed!
2) I started lifting weights in the gym when I was 12. I started body building right after high school. I was a power lifter in college. (I could Leg Press 720 pounds)
3) I used to carve in my arms when I was a teenager. The worst thing I carved was "ANARCHY" into my left arm.
4) I lost my equilibrium in 1989 & I still can't find it!
5) It took me ten whole years to complete college, BUT I DID IT! &, now, I don't even use my degree!
6) My daughter complains that I am addicted to facebook & she's right!
7) I used to tell people my name was George when I was a kid in the girl scouts.
8) I wish I never got on Disability! (THANKS head injury!)
9) I don't think anyone read my list list like this. Who's going to read this one???
10) After I stopped carving in my arms, I started getting things pierced & tattooed.
11) I am extremely lousy at organizing, yet I make lists all the time.
12) I am a part-part time cashier at a gas station, which I love because I am a "people person"!
13) I have permanent double vision. So, I have to wear glasses with prisms in them. These are very expensive! (AND, insurance doesn't cover them!) :(
14) When I was a kid, I wanted to be a body-builder, truck driver, and 6'5". I did the first (see #2), I drove a 1-ton flat bed for 10 months (decided my ass hurt too much), & I only reached 5'7".
15) My daughter was going to be twins. But the other "disappeared" during my first trimester. Apparently, this happens a lot (most women don't even know when it does).
16) I think I snore.
17) My ex-husband was a BIG mistake! I think I only married him because he's 6'8"!
18) I'd like to go back to school and get my teaching certificate so I can use my art degree and teach art in a middle school somewhere AND, finally get off of Disability!
19) I got hit by a car when I was riding my bicycle home from college one day. Landed on my head and cried to the EMTs that I didn't want to go to the hospital cuz my parents would get furious that I wasn't wearing my helmet!
20) I have been living in Tennessee for over 20 years now. Whenever I would go home to visit (PA), I always got depressed. So, I stopped going home about 5 years ago. BUT, I am planning a trip up there this summer & now that I have "found" all these friends from my younger days (thanks Facebook!), I am looking forward to the trip!
21) I have around 15 tattoos and I want more! (Glad to know a tattoo artist, this obsession or hobby of mine would be more expensive!)
22) I love to go dancing in clubs but, nowadays, I feel too fat to go! Catch 22?
23) Up until 2 years ago, I had to take 6-7 different medications daily (thankfully, insurance covered that!) Now, I only have to take three!
24) I used to want to get remarried one day and have another child, but I can't have anymore children :o( And, if I do get married again, I will NEVER again change my last name! MURPHY FOR LIFE!
25) I have the world's smallest bladder! Thanks to 2 ten-pound babies & 2 C-sections!

(Posted on FB Monday, February 23, 2009 at 10:21am)

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FB Comments

Ingrid D.-L.: #9... I read them ;-)
#16... I woke myself up snoring when I was pregnant with my third
#18... you should do it, but observe middle school first - you may change your mind. I'm certified to teach HS math and I did my observation on middle school - God help those kids and their hormones!

JillyBean ˚͜˚ ByrneMurphy: That's what makes me feel drawn to that age group! I know that's when I started having trouble. I'd like to be there to help one or two (at least) get through those days! You know, share my experience, strength & hope!

Ingrid D.-L.: THAT would make you an awesome teacher. I wish more of the middle school teachers felt that way. My oldest is in 6th grade now, but in Catholic school. I just know my personality - I think I'd be going thermonuclear on a daily basis (haha)!

Kathy B.-A.: #9...I read 'em, too! You are a remarkable and interesting person! I remember way more of you from early years than high school. I do remember hearing about your accident thru my parents. My mom hears about everything - or at least she used to when she was so involved in the schools. I find the tatoos fascinating. I don't have any, nor do I want any, but I am strangely interested in those of everyone else! I've also seen your art. You should pursue that. You are very talented. What about creating stuff to sell on Etsy or other art places or local boutiques? Use your gift!

JillyBean ˚͜˚ ByrneMurphy: Thanks Kathy! I love reading these too! And, about the art... I have been having a difficult time being creative these days because my bi polar is so heavily medicated! The stupid anti depressants & anti anxiety pills & other "mood stabilizers" STIFLE me! BUT! I need to stay on course in order to keep my sanity AND (more importantly) to provide Mikayla with a good mom!

Kathy B.-A.: Yep. Once you have children they certainly take priority. Plus, from what I understand about bi-polar, the meds are important, regardless. I knew someone who had it and would go off of her meds because they flattened her, then she'd be manic. It's rough when the "cure" doesn't make you feel the way you'd like to. Hopefully, they'll come up with something better soon. Psych drugs have come a long way in the last 10 years even tho they're far from perfect. Take care of yourself. You deserve it!

JillyBean ˚͜˚ ByrneMurphy: I remember two times when I was feeling great without the med.s: BOTH times I was pregnant! I had to go off my med.s while I had babies growing inside me! :o) And, I felt better than I ever did before I started even taking them! I think the drug laboratories need to come up with a way of turning prenatal hormones into a cure! LOL

JillyBean ˚͜˚ ByrneMurphy: I guess only the AWESOME PEOPLE read these lists! All the others are just missin' out! (Just teasing)
-this is were sarcasm on-line is not a good thing!

Suellen R.: Hormones are directly related to neurotransmitters-a medical way to explain that you felt better pregnant. Also the twin thing is common-the 2nd fetus is re-absorbed into the mother's body.
I could only leg press 550... dayum woman!

Rich M.: # 6 - "Addicted to Facebook" ... Preface ... this is NOT directed at Mikayla; I'm sure she's a sweet kid having a bit of fun with you. But she raises a point I've heard alot about lately; are we addicted to facebook? I spent summers with my grandmother as a pre-teen. She was born in 1904. She devoted AT LEAST 2 hours of every day reading & writing letters; some to people in other countries, other states, or even just across town. She wrote to her sister, her friends, my Dad, to me. Hers was a generation that took writing to each other seriously.

Rich M.: Then came our parents' generation, the Boomers. Long distance phone calls became affordable and the Interstate highway system made in-person visits easier. Suddenly, it wasn't quite as urgent to write so often. After all, our loved ones were only a phone call away, right? And we just saw them last Thanksgiving. But somehow, we drifted away from those connections. I know I did.

Rich M.: So now that OUR generation has rediscovered the joy of WRITING to one another, we're being told by Op-Ed columnists AND our spoiled, me-generation kids that WE'RE addicted? Guess what folks? This isn't Nintendo, this isn't Pokemon, and it sure as HELL isn't "Reality" TV! This is REAL people having REAL conversations with those who matter to us. Sure, some of the content is trivial. But some of it's damn serious, too, and I dare say even important. So I say, let's tell our kids to finish their damn homework, especially that whole "writing" thing they teach. And you keep posting, Jill. I could read this stuff all day.

My Grandmother died in 1987. What I wouldn't give to have that woman on facebook.

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