Friday, April 16, 2010

25 Random things about me (AGAIN)

1. I was not popular in school but, everybody definitely knew me.

2. I have been smoking cigarettes since I was 12. I am almost 39 now & I am trying to talk myself into quitting. (but I'm smoking right now, while I type this)

3. I love getting tattoos! And, I have considered being a tattoo apprentice.

4. I was born in Washington D.C. on March 12th, 1970 with blood poisoning. I spent the first ten days of my life in an incubator. After my mom & dad brought me home, they got the hospital bill and on it was a $15 charge for circumcision! I'm a GIRL!

5. I let my daughter stay up too late sometimes on school nights.

6. I am diagnosed with Bi Polar Disorder & PTSD and, have been in the psych hospital approximately 9 times since I was 21.

7. I used to date ONLY men 6'4" or taller, but both of my children's "birth" fathers have been an inch shorter than me. (I am 5'7" I think)

8. I met my ex-husband in the psych hospital. But he was 6'8"!

9. It took me over ten years to graduate college, but I did it! I got a BFA in Studio Art (I renamed it my "starving artist degree").

10. I know where the son I placed for adoption over 15 years ago is, but I cannot contact him.

11. One of my friends on here is an ex-boyfriend and one is an ex-girlfriend (and, they are related to each other! weird, huh?)

12. I was baptized twice. First when I was 14 (because a boy I liked got baptized the Sunday before) & second was when I was in college and was starting to straighten up my life.

13. I wonder if any of you are really reading this. ???

14. I love to sleep in on Saturday mornings if I can & I get very upset when someone rings my phone (when I have forgotten to turn the ringer off).

15. I love Facebook & am happy that I have "found" so many friends. I just wish I could find Moira Burrows!

16. I always had very short hair in my teenage years. I started letting it grow out after I got pregnant the first time. But, about every 4 years, I chop it all off again (forgetting that I like it long better).

17. I got into body building right after high school & into power lifting in college. I used to dead lift 400 lbs., leg press 710 lbs., but I could barely bench press 100 lbs. (I'm such a "girl")

18. Two things I DON'T like about myself are: 1) I smoke -remember #2... and B) I am NOT a tidy person.

19. I walk around my house (inside only) naked when my daughter is in school.

20. I was in two drug rehabs when I was a teenager. I have lost contact with my "best friend" in the first one. Angelique! If I could remember how to spell your last name, I could probably find you again!

21. I ran away from home (took Greyhound from Philly to Boston, Mass) in 10th grade with my pet rat "Vorpool".

22. I think I have a good sense of humor.

23. At this time in my life, I am a "loner". I do not like to go out of the house. But, I make myself for Mikayla's sake.

24. I enjoy "poking" Nick Leusky!

25. I want to be an art teacher in a middle school when I grow up.

(Posted on FB Saturday, February 14, 2009 at 12:03am)

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FB Comments

Shelly R.-L.: Hi Jill! Long time since the YMCA swim team. You have certainly had a share of ups and downs in your life. I hope you are doing well. Take Care of yourself.

Jenifer Y.-M: hey loved reading these!!!

JillyBean ˚͜˚ ByrneMurphy: Thank you! It was like memory lane!

Nick L.: ur an interesting soul :-). poke!

Tara K.-M.: WOW Jill, you sure have a story to tell!

JillyBean ˚͜˚ ByrneMurphy: And, it's not over yet! :-]

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