Tuesday, April 6, 2010

25 Random Things (another fb game)

Rules: come up with 25 random things then tag 25 random people remember if you have been tagged by me to tag me .. I did this because I want to know more about you.

1) I don't even remember much about 2007, let alone 2008... this is 2009 right?
2) I ALSO love not having to worry about a lawn, basement or roof. BUT, I still hate my condo!
3) The tragus piercing worked for me!!! NO migraines in 5 years! WooHoo!
4) I don't even know where my synapses are!
5) Most of my clothes don't fit me (either TOO small or TOO big -mostly too small). I am a jeans & T type of girl!
7) I love rock climbing, but have only been able to go three times.
8) I met a guy on a dating web site once (a few years ago). He lived in Seattle, WASH & he flew me up there to spend a week with him. That's when I learned to climb rocks!
9) I tend to get one speeding ticket every one or two years.
10) I chop all my hair off after I have let it grow out for four or five years. Every time I cut it, I remember that I musta forgot that I hate it short! Last year, I cut 17 inches off! I used to never have long hair (used to shave it).
11) I have BIG feet! Size 11 or 12 in woman's, depending on the type of shoe. Most of the time I have to buy guys shoes, unless I wanna pay a "pretty penny"!
12) I want very badly to meet my son!!!!
13) I have twin brothers, my X-husband had a twin brother & Mikayla had a twin inside my "tummy".
14) My daughter is NOT my X's biological daughter.
15) I have started thinking about moving closer back to "up north"!
16) I'm a really nice person and smile contagiously! But, if you're ever driving in front of me and you do something that pisses me off... watch out! I'll try to be holding back my temper!
17) My smoking "triggers" are: sitting at the computer, after I eat, & when I'm driving.
18) When I am getting tattooed, I get "high" (so to speak).
19) A cop drove past me as I was walking down the street in Reston, VA (At the time, I was running away for the 3rd time from a terrible place where I was being held against my will)... he turned around twice before stopping & picking me up. Why I didn't take off running into the trees, I don't know!
20) Mikayla once compared my X-husband to Spongebob's friend Patrick Star. I was so amazed at how insightful she was at age 7! Because he really was as dumb as a jelly fish & as lethargic as a sponge, too. It was all that Serequel and Oxycontin he was taking! That's eventually why I kicked him out & divorced him!
21) I saw Billy Idol in concert (at the Starwood Amphitheatre in Nashville, TN) after years of "worshiping" him... I don't care about him that much anymore.
22) Mikayla just opened the browser history & showed me just how addicted I am to FB!
23) I like silver better than gold!
24) Tulips are my favorite flower.
25) I didn't develop BOOBIES until my first pregnancy (23) & now I don't want them!!!

(Posted on FB Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 8:06pm)

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